This is penis music.
There's no other way to put it, this is penis music.
This is penis music.
There's no other way to put it, this is penis music.
A perfect fit for the nonstop microgame onslaught that is Beamsy's Hell, and a damn good listen even on its own.
Going back after playing through Episode 1, I can hear the pulse-pounding tension in this.
This was a solid BGM for the outbreak kicking off.
Thanks dude! :)
Offbeat, upbeat, and bouncy as hell.
Slow, steady and soothing. This is a wonderfully atmospheric track.
I think it'd fit perfectly for a safe room in a surval horror game, or something along those lines.
Aww thank you and Safe Room for a Survival Horror Game seems quite neat idea! :D
Well, here we are. The very first piece of audio ever uploaded to the Audio Portal.
Its definitely not much - just a short four-second loop which doesn't loop particularly well, but its still perfectly listenable, and quite laid back, too.
I can see why Jack used this as Alula Falling's battle theme - its a pretty damn intense track, perfect for an life-or-death brawl.
A jazzy, funky and overall groovy track. This'd fit a casino perfectly.
I can hear a definite sense of hope in this. Nicely done.
Beautiful. Fucking beautiful.
Newgrounds is damn good.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24
Supreme Commander - 7/12/24
Age 24, he/they
TERF Island
Joined on 1/1/23