View Profile BlueMonday1984
Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


TERF Island

Joined on 1/1/23

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6,290 / 6,400
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BlueMonday1984's News

Posted by BlueMonday1984 - 5 days ago

I'm back home. I'm finally back home.

Took a bit longer than I expected, thanks to Mum forgetting her phone charger back at the hotel, and she had some choice words/insults for me, but I'm finally, finally back home.

Not entirely sure what the future holds for me, but the month-long Scotland trip Mum's been eyeing post-retirement is definitely not on the cards.

If you need me, I'll probably be going through some unjudged movies - sure, I may have zero missed XP deposits, but I've got blams and saves to get. Should still be on track to hit Supreme by year's end, if NG Log's any indication.


Posted by BlueMonday1984 - 6 days ago

Good news, everyone - I'm going home tomorrow. My Mum's ability to drag this holiday on has run out.

Also made it to Kirkconnel Hall, which is pretty good, and avoided getting soaked by the weather. Looks like this whole excursion is gonna end on a high note.

Probably not gonna go on another road trip like this again, but that's for future me to decide.

I'm pretty much set to make it home without a single lost deposit, but I've got wi-fi here, so I can get a deposit in next morning just in case the homecoming trip ends up taking two days.

Enjoy the Dreamcast Collab, and I'll see y'all tomorrow.

Posted by BlueMonday1984 - 7 days ago

Ended up having a repeat of Day 1 / Day 2 - Mum got lost and faffed about due to general incompetence, I got yelled at because of her general short-temperedness, and we both got rained on due to generally crappy weather.

On the bright side, I got some good food at The View (plus some delicious Magners' Dark Fruit) and got a bed at Carnbarn (Cairnbarn?) (both in Oban).

Depending on circumstances, I'm going home either tomorrow or Wednesday. Once I get my deposit in tomorrow, I should be set to finish this trip without losing a single point of EXP to a missed deposit.

Posted by BlueMonday1984 - 8 days ago

Had a damn good burger and chips at the Loch Ness Crafts food truck/bar, and found a place to stay at The Glen, both in Drumnadrochit.

From the looks of things, I'm going home tomorrow - Mum apparently does have a payment coming in tomorrow, but she's got to get that bumper fixed and we're otherwise fresh outta cash.

I also haven't missed a day of deposits yet - with the latest endpoint being Wednesday, chances are I'm not gonna be missing any.


Posted by BlueMonday1984 - 8 days ago

Went up to Ardnamurchan today, and went to see both the Ardnamurchan Lighthouse and the Ardnamurchan Distillery. Whiskey's not my thing, but I really hope they become more well-known - they're pretty damn good.

(Incidentally, I have been to Ardnamurchan and the Lighthouse beforehand. I'm not entirely sure when I went, but I do know it was before I started using Newgrounds.)

I've also got a good idea how much longer I'm stuck on this trip for:

  • Worst-case scenario, I'm stuck for 3-4 more days - Mum's plan was for this to drag out to Tuesday/Wednesday.
  • Best-case scenario, I'm going home tomorrow - seems Mum might just be fresh out of cash due to an unintentional double-payment that hasn't been cleared up and my relentless spending, including on the Roy Bridge Hotel I'm currently staying at. Does mean I'm losing out on a massive Highland Cow plush I saw in Fort William, but I'll happily pass it up as long as I make it back to the safety and comfort of my home.
  • Middling-case scenario, I'm off home on Monday - the mechanics open back up on Monday, and I get the distinct feeling Mum's torn bumper is gonna break the bank. Mum did also experience some odd acceleration issues when driving, and she did also note a wire coming out of the car - one which she suspected could have affected the brakes.

It also feels kinda redundant to mention, but I also haven't lost a single day of deposits during this entire trip. That arguably wouldn't have been real important to mention under most circumstances, but with how generally hellish this trip has been and the almost unholy lucky streak I feel I've been on, it feels like a fucking miracle.

See y'all tomorrow - if Lady Luck smiles on me one more time, I'm home free.

Posted by BlueMonday1984 - 9 days ago

Had some fun up in the Isle of Mull today, despite the searing heat, and my Mum still being generally short-tempered and a PITA.

From the looks of things, I'm gonna end up going home tomorrow - Mum managed to tear the front bumper off her car whilst searching for a place to rest, and after a side-on crash last year jacked up her premiums, she's not gonna be putting it on her insurance any time soon.

I also haven't missed any deposits during this entire trip - that doesn't really change anything in the grand scheme of things (I'd have been set to hit 10K EXP next year and max level in 2033 no matter what), but I'll take the W anyways.

Posted by BlueMonday1984 - 11 days ago

Well, my mum's still mad at me, I'm still getting slowly crushed by homesickness and I've lost a bunch of pyjamas, but I had some good weather, had some good food and blew a bit of Mum's money, and I haven't lost a single day of deposits.

I'm not sure at all when I'm going home, unfortunately, but part of me suspects Mum's gonna be forced to go home by the weekend, either from her knee injury (which she got yesterday), from running out of cash, or from something else. Tomorrow, she's planning to go to Oban.

Posted by BlueMonday1984 - 12 days ago

Managed to have a somewhat decent day today - beginning was a general nightmare and Mum continued to be a short-tempered bastard, but I at least got a somewhat decent hotel room and I've technically finished the North Coast 500.

From the looks of things, I've got another 10-11 days of this.

Posted by BlueMonday1984 - 13 days ago

One day of general pain has turned into two days of general pain.

Got drenched again, had to deal with my Mum being a short-tempered bastard again, and ended up faffing about for far longer than I wanted again.

On the bright side, I haven't lost any days of deposits (somehow), and I got to try some haggis Bon Bon-things. Tasted pretty neat, if odd.

Should be back home sometime Thursday to Saturday. Hopefully.

Posted by BlueMonday1984 - 2 weeks ago

Well, my first day on the North Coast 500 got off to a godawful start.

Suffered through torrential downpour, which combined with Mum's inability to use GPS or generally navigate her way out of a paper bag combined to make for 4-8 hours of misery.

Tried to convince my mum to cut her losses and turn around once we got to a hotel, but she repeatedly refused and threw a fit instead. Gonna try and get through the rest of it as best I can.