View Profile BlueMonday1984

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Recent Movie Reviews

1,683 Movie Reviews

The trailer's offbeat painted artstyle fits its twisted antics pretty damn well. Feel like I've seen it before...

Damn, you're a big fan of "In the Hall of the Mountain King", aren't ya?
Can't exactly blame ya for it, it fits the kinda comedy you you specialise in.

Anyways, pretty solid second part - liked the clever call-back you slid in there.

teemovsall responds:

whats means "in the Hall of the Mountain King" dont understand at all your comment XDD
thanks anyway

Short, but sweet mix of still life and stylised silliness.
Welcome to Newgrounds, I can tell you're gonna have a good time here!

AJonoNikoStudio responds:

Thanks so much! I'm really happy to finally be part of Newgrounds. I grew up on a steady diet of Newgrounds and YouTube flash animations and games back in 2007-2010, so it feels like a bit of a homecoming. Looking forward to having a great time here!

Recent Game Reviews

465 Game Reviews

A nicely done gallery for Mexican Independence Day. Only one I'm struggling to find is ShangXian's, but that's explicitly a secret :P

Another excellent, pulse-pounding episode, with a fucking brutal twist. Loved seeing my progress from the previous episode carry over!

Also, Plot Token #5 seems interesting - its either noting a military aircraft or a UFO...

(Update: Earned the medals second time around - forgot to log in the first time around. Whoops :P)

(Update 2: Didn't realise there were two routes for this episode until now. Both were damn good.)

Simple, chaotic, feather-flying fun, with a fair flock of fine upgrades.
Visuals are clean and easy on the eyes, and the achievements give you plenty with which to spend your time.

Recent Audio Reviews

109 Audio Reviews

A very calm and beautiful remake of a criminally underrated track from an obscure VN.
I also found out about DiviDead thanks to this - I should play that sometime...

Pretty groovy mix of guitar and woodland.

Pretty basic loop, but works well. Seems pretty bitcrushed to me, which I think works in its favour.

Recent Art Reviews

792 Art Reviews

I had these designs pop back into my head some time after I saw them, and I ended up remembering I had ran across you.
I'm very happy I remembered them because holy shit these designs are adorable and holy shit you're a damn good artist

Like the dot effects on the girl's hair - very unique kinda shading.

Like the silly smile and slight bubble shield(?) around the jelly.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


TERF Island

Joined on 1/1/23

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