View Profile BlueMonday1984

463 Game Reviews

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A nicely done gallery for Mexican Independence Day. Only one I'm struggling to find is ShangXian's, but that's explicitly a secret :P

Another excellent, pulse-pounding episode, with a fucking brutal twist. Loved seeing my progress from the previous episode carry over!

Also, Plot Token #5 seems interesting - its either noting a military aircraft or a UFO...

(Update: Earned the medals second time around - forgot to log in the first time around. Whoops :P)

(Update 2: Didn't realise there were two routes for this episode until now. Both were damn good.)

Simple, chaotic, feather-flying fun, with a fair flock of fine upgrades.
Visuals are clean and easy on the eyes, and the achievements give you plenty with which to spend your time.

A pretty fun spin on the classic Snake formula. Music is a bit repetitive, though, and the power-ups don't really don't do anything to change the gameplay.

A very simple, but fun spin on the classic Minesweeper formula. Love the aquatic visuals!

TheSailorDev responds:

I tried to make it feel different and I am glad it cam across as such.

A neat little collection of word puzzles and puns, with a fair dose of outside-the-box thinking.

Easy to pick up, and good to kill a few minutes. I vaguely remember seeing something similar to this on Mousebreaker back in the day.
Killer BGM, though. Pretty visually pleasing, too.

Mantis1 responds:

I didn't know this when I was making the game, but it turns out this is a game genre called "tunnel rush." There's a bunch of them online. I was inspired by a minigame in Sonic 2.

A short, and pretty simple shitpost for Pico Day '21 - good to kill a few minutes (and earn a couple medals), but nothing special.
I did like seeing all the different exclamations, though. Even had a couple knee-slappers in there :P

Deity-Donkus responds:

Are you really that old? Like 1984 old?

Simple, but bloody good fun, with some pretty good music too.
Really like the endless mode - the exponential difficulty curve's where this title's fast and frantic action really shines.

A very well-crafted April Fool's joke, which does plenty to lead you along before revealing the ruse. Visuals are nicely crafted, with that JohnnyUtah charm, and Oney's short orchestral sting does plenty to add salt to every (knife) wound.

If you're looking to grab the medals and get out, Magnus made a quick guide for that, with help from some notes I gave him:

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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