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A very simple, but fun spin on the classic Minesweeper formula. Love the aquatic visuals!

TheSailorDev responds:

I tried to make it feel different and I am glad it cam across as such.

Easy to pick up, and good to kill a few minutes. I vaguely remember seeing something similar to this on Mousebreaker back in the day.
Killer BGM, though. Pretty visually pleasing, too.

Mantis1 responds:

I didn't know this when I was making the game, but it turns out this is a game genre called "tunnel rush." There's a bunch of them online. I was inspired by a minigame in Sonic 2.

A short, and pretty simple shitpost for Pico Day '21 - good to kill a few minutes (and earn a couple medals), but nothing special.
I did like seeing all the different exclamations, though. Even had a couple knee-slappers in there :P

Deity-Donkus responds:

Are you really that old? Like 1984 old?

A simple, but pretty fun shitpost, and a pretty nice throwback to the '00s, in all its edgy dumb glory.

Ant responds:

You have my respect.

There's obviously a fair bit more you could to improve this, but as it is, this is a pretty fun little gadget to play with, and was an absolute godsend for comic creators before the Art Portal got multi-art support.

I'd like to give particular praise to Montrose and Dieswyx for the bursting-with-personality art and the banging Amiga-style chiptune - makes this feel like so much more than a simple comic utility.

KittyhawkMontrose responds:

Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it! @Dieswyx really knocked it out of the park with the song, really capturing that Amiga-style as you said.

We've got more coming to Bando's! We're going BEYOND comics! 🚀

A very impressively done recreation of a truly vintage console experience.
Easy to pick up and play, and adorable as hell, too.

(The alarm was a nice touch - sure, its redundant in an age of smartphones, but its just such a cool little feature!)

KittyhawkMontrose responds:

We wanted to be thorough in our design! This is an actual Game & Watch homebrew game after all, and they always had an alarm. Took me forever to design that bell! Glad you like it!! 💖

This is a pretty solid troll submission - the crude-as-hell visuals and VA work complement the charmingly crude setup.

Gameplay's pretty damn boring once you get the hang of it, though the random references did a good job getting a chuckle out of me.

KALane2013 responds:

Thank you

The gameplay I feel should stay the same but I might add more events to it to make it less boring

As for the references more will be added

A cool little digital theremin to mess with.
I quite like the skeumorphism and button SFX - gives it a bit of a physical feeling, whether on mobile or PC.

This feels like some cool thing you'd have found on mobile, before app stores started getting drowned in a cavalcade of crap.

KittyhawkMontrose responds:

Thanks! @alsoknownas1 was working on a sound engine that was interactive, and I thought yeah, this could work as a toy! Glad you like the design. I wanted it to have that retro skeuomorphism of the early App Store or Flash. I dig that style so much.

So many awesome artstyles, so many cool characters. Kitty, you beautiful bastard.

I could look at this all fucking day.

KittyhawkMontrose responds:

Thank you! @WillTommoDDD brought together a great team and did an amazing job with the logo and design. It was super easy for aka1 and I to make an interface. And that art needed the best interface! So many good artists!

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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