View Profile BlueMonday1984

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The artstyle was perfectly fine, and the music was pretty good, but I felt the gameplay was pretty deeply flawed.

The biggest thing I'd recommend is to avoid jerking the camera upwards during jumps - it feels disorienting and makes precision platforming a lot harder than it needs to be.

I did also notice a pretty major delay between jumping/running into spikes and the relevant sound effect playing. I didn't quite notice it at first, but when I did, it became pretty grating.

Still, you've clearly got potential. Keep at it. (Happy Pixel Day as well, BTW.)

Potato-Boy-34 responds:

I immediately started fixing it when I saw it on Reddit. The camera is fixed, and I even changed some stuff in the game. It's my first time making a platformer game.

There's a pretty good atmosphere here and a solid idea, but the controls really drag this down.

Using the arrow keys to attack is pretty confusing.

EDIT: Using Z,X and C to attack, and the arrow keys to move, would be better for me,though I'd also recommend adding the ability to rebind keys.

finne432 responds:

Good point, which keys do you think would be best as another control option?

edit: I won't be able to have remappable controls in the program I'm using, but I can definitely include an alternate opion for Z, X, and C + arrow controls.

Simple to understand, but cleverly built. I'm genuinely impressed by this.

The only flaw I ran into was a collision bug caused by switching tangibility inside a black/white object, but that did not detract from my enjoyment one bit.

ABrightSide responds:

Yeah, that happened to me when I was testing out the game's gimmick. I figured, a part of the challenge could be trying not to get stuck inside platforms.

Then again, it does look unnatural to have the idle animation still play while stuck. Perhaps I could change the animation or make it so that the platform ejects you if you get stuck in it.

This is mostly an OK timewaster in my view, but the controls just massively drag this down.

Having the buttons for jumping and firing be so close together feels cramped, and how you laid out the shooting controls just does not feel natural.

EG10Official responds:

ok sorry if i was rude before but i will release another update to fix the shitty controls

This genuinely impressed me.

Hope you do well in the jam!

FodderLabs responds:

Glad you liked the game!

And thank you very much, I hope other players enjoy the game as well! :D

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
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