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An extremely basic Flappy Bird clone, whose only notable feature is the, shall we say, *interesting*, visuals.

NewKittyKrew responds:

stop talking about yourself, self flattery is not a good look

The visuals are pretty basic, and there's only one level, but it seems you've got the physics down pat.

Using the down key to throw fireballs is pretty awkward, though, and being unable to stomp on enemies in a Mario-like platformer did catch me off-guard.

Those fireballs were also kinda awkward to aim, given their odd trajectory.

TutoblockyGames responds:

1.Did you read the title? 2.yeah the down key may be akward maybe i will change it to z. 3.Thanks for the review my boi, feel free to say how crap is the stuff that took the half of my life to do

This was a pretty weak demo all around - a combo of the enemies not moving and Oggy's spammable bash attack oneshotting everything (except the boss) made the game insultingly easy.

Audio and visuals were also pretty poor, too - the visuals are a mixture of ripped images/random shapes in MS Paint, and I couldn't find a single piece of SFX you didn't rip from elsewhere.

I also found that you didn't reset the coin/life counters after the demo finishes and that going off the left edge of the map causes Oggy to fall forever - those are both pretty serious oversights.

MorganPaulRee responds:

Hi, this is just a beta testing. We will solve these problems you have stated. Thank you for experiencing!

Basic, but pretty entertaining.
I am getting all-black models after testing on both Firefox and Chrome, so I suspect the issue's going a bit deeper than simple browser fuckery.

RosieUV responds:

huh, weird.

Neat visuals, but ho-lee shit controlling this guy's hard.

TharosTheDragon responds:

It's because he gets heavier as you sober up

If you want to get the 100 medal points and get the fuck out, here's a quick tip:
Shove Knuckles in the left corner of the screen, he can't get hit by turds there.

AbortedKitten responds:


Free medals are always nice.

You could've been a bit clearer about the bonus game requiring the arrow keys rather than the mouse though, and the controls felt a bit wonky.

Ant responds:

i'll make sure to tell 14 year old ant to do that

That epilepsy warning is not lying. This game will kill epileptics on sight.

Controls also felt oddly stiff and difficult to use, with the ledgegrab frequently going off when I didn't want it to.

On the bright side, the BGM fucking slaps and there's plenty of medals (shockingly easy ones, too - the gold times are pretty generous).

Guy-Unger responds:

ruffle creates some weird noise that isn't supposed to be there haha, thats probably what makes it look way more epilepsy inducing. i could disable ruffle support or try to remove it, but since its playable im just leaving it like this, hoping itll get fixed by ruffle eventually

A neat little platformer, if a bit too easy.
Main complaint here is that dropping through floors feels a bit abrupt.

JackAstral responds:

Sorry about that, my old flash code for platforming was so sloppy T_T

Pretty clever play on the phrase "dress up game".

Medals were also pretty easy to get - whilst I did break out JPEXS to work out what items would get me "Tank You" and "Good Eye", that was probably unnecessary in retrospect.

Cyberdevil responds:

Tank you! :3

Hehe, I like to leave a clue in the medal names too, though if you end up going through some of my older stuff I imagine JPEXS will be all the more handy!

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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