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Only bug I noticed was when after finishing the demo - I started a new run immediately after, and ended up hearing both the menu music and the level music playing simultaneously.

Other than that, this worked flawlessly on Firefox, and was a pretty damn fun Sonic fangame.

Gruffdasmuff responds:

Thank you so much man! I can try to fix this issue when I get the time.

There's an absolute crapload of excellent art in this.

Prismisho responds:

heheheheheheh crap

An alright enough platformer - main complaint I have is the ground physics feeling a bit slippery (barring ledges, which Nickel can seemingly climb up completely unimpeded)

Slopgok responds:

Thanks for your review, if I make a sequel I'll make the ground physics less slippery (unless I add ice) and I'll try to make steep slopes more slippery (especially if I add ice).

A solidly made deckbuilder, with a pretty clever combat system.

jontopielski responds:

Thank you!

A quite clever idea. Audio and visuals are somewhat basic, but if you're here just to learn the ropes, its a good educational resource.

remarkablegames responds:

Thanks for the feedback!

A short, but highly intruiging ARG.
Main complaint is the ending - it seemed a bit abrupt.

Folfz responds:

I already improved it

Visuals are pretty alright, and the audio was passable, but you seriously screwed up with the controls - WASD to move and Left Ctrl to attack wasn't just awkward as hell to use, it caused me to close the game by accident a couple of times.

I'd strongly recommend allowing for remappable controls.

Colourmist responds:

Thanks for your critique. It is nice to hear what works or not for other people. The choice of the buttons was due to the two player mode so their hands wouldn't be to close to eachother. I would make remappable keys if i knew how, but Unity is still a new program for me, and still learning.
And i have no excuse for the music haha, composed it myself(not from samples) in a hurry just to have some atmosphere in the game.

Pretty nice little jam title. Jump physics seem a bit floaty and I'd have preferred the option to map jump to either the up arrow or the spacebar, but that's kinda minor.

Visuals were alright (even if menu buttons were pretty damn small on my screen (probably a Firefox issue)), and the music was pretty good, if a bit repetitive.

JPsupper responds:

Yeah I agree on all fronts. The buttons are really small on NG, will probably tell Ken and Robin to make proper buttons if we ever update the game.

Nicely done on the improvements.
Would've wanted to see the keyboard support I requested on your (now removed) prototype, but I'm still fine with mouse-only.

VIMEcompany responds:

I'm going to add a system to see the controls and you can also change direction with space.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
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