View Profile BlueMonday1984

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You've got an alright idea, but losing a life when the ball hits the ceiling, rather than it bouncing off, is a pretty fatal flaw - makes the game much shorter and much more luck based than it should be.

Highest score I got was 20 BTW.

ALewis36 responds:

Sorry about that

...you suffering from a stroke there, Jard? Your Author Comments are fucking mangled.

ZabuJard responds:

u just need to protect the little creaturessssss

The base idea is pretty entertaining, but a combo of no arrow-key controls and slippery physics make this pretty awkward to play

Pappyto responds:

Thanks for letting me know, I'll add arrow keys and reduce the slippery controls

A basic, but pretty damn fun prototype. Gonna give particular praise to the slimes' distinctive blue colour - makes them very easy to identify, even with my glasses off (given I'm practically blind without' em, that's impressive).

Does seem that staff upgrades persist between runs - unsure if that's a bug or not.

Snow-Hex responds:

Thank you very much for your comment, I'm glad to hear that you liked the little that is currently available haha

A nicely-done celebration of a truly legendary ass-whooping.

Saucekye responds:

Thank you!

A basic enough title which offered some quick fun for a few minutes.

Main complaint is that it seems the game keeps running for a bit after clicking on a pop-up and getting a game over.

AproBraindestroyer responds:

Glad you had fun :3 Dunno how to fix that tho but I will try.

Main complaint's with actually getting the pieces into place - you have to be pretty much dead-on when putting a piece into place or it'll reset back to its original position, making the puzzle much harder to complete than it should be.

Being unable to move the pieces freely is also a pain, especially on the touchpad I'm using - that also gets in the way of puzzle-solving.

AppyMations responds:

Don't worry, I'll use the reset button in the update, just cause.

A basic, but pretty fun idea. Arrow-key controls as an option would've been pretty nice - WASD's pretty awkward for me.

SubsolarGames responds:

ah thanks, arrow keys also work probably should have mentioned that

A simple, but pretty fun game. I initially thought I could only hide in front of the bushes, but hiding in front of the graves worked too.

The sprinklers did get a bit annoying near the end, given their placement.
Also, damn, that guy's got an endless bladder

nuttsackk responds:

oh crap i didn't know you could hide in front of the graves I gotta fix that

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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