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A pretty damn solidly made Scratch platformer. Sure, I did encounter the occasional bug (one level spawned me inside level geometry, and the timer ended up freezing after I got two coins), but this was still pretty damn enjoyable.

Iwannakillguy responds:

Thx ;) I`ll fix that

I can see where you were going with this, and you've got a pretty creative idea, but the mouse-only controls render this much harder to play than it should.

I strongly recommend you add keyboard controls (WASD or arrows, doesn't matter) whenever you get the chance.

YutoriNet responds:

It can be operated using the arrows on the keyboard, but the screen moves. Please play from the full screen button.

A fine enough retro platformer - nothing special, but nothing seriously busted, either.

Main complaint's the camera - I frequently ended up making leaps of faith due to the camera being too far to the left. Having it move when the guy's in the centre of the screen should fix that.

Despite that, I still found the game a bit too easy - I beat it first time around with time to spare.

supereli12345 responds:

Yeah, it's one of the first projects I made with gdevelop, so it is pretty simple. also the camera problem, it glitches out when i have it center on the player (Mainly glitching out when stopping Mid-Air before landing) so i had to lower the follow rate a tiny bit.

A basic, but pretty fun shooter, even if it does seem fairly busted (seems there's a bug which makes you unkillable on Firefox)

Control-wise, I think you should've gone with using left-click to shoot rather than space.

BLACKPINT responds:

thank you! and yes i think so too but wasd and space is pretty ok

A pretty solidly made pong game, with a clever twist.

Main complaint's the lack of a singleplayer/online multiplayer mode.

SepticDolphin responds:

Thanks for your feedback :) the game is kinda old and has bad code so im not going to make one, but i might make a second part to this game one day who knows

This was a blast from start to finish, and an excellent remake.

Main complaint's the controls on the boss minigame - one button for both jumping and ducking felt pretty awkward. Moving those to different keys on keyboard/having two different buttons for touchscreen should fix that.

UPDATE: Also have a minor complaint regarding the second "Think!" and "Start a Fire!" microgames - hitting the auto-fail conditions in either leads to a bit of time being wasted, as the timer still keeps running. (Not sure if I communicated what I mean clearly enough :P)

JackAstral responds:

Thanks! Really good feedback: I’ll look into adding an option for that :-)

The basic idea is pretty creative, and having to manipulate the console to solve puzzles leads to a lot of brainteasing.

Main complaint's the use of A/D/Space to move - using the arrow keys would have been much less awkward.

MUNDONUEBO responds:

Thank you for playing, and for your words!
It's great to know player's impressions

Would you happen to be left-handed? For that case, at least, the arrow keys should have been included. But I also see the benefit of jumping with ↑ or W, althou, maybe, that would remove some fun cumbersomeness

A short, but unsettling demo, which left me wanting more.

jakekleiner responds:

glad to hear . the full version is on my itch io!

Visuals are alright, but the controls are nigh-unusable - clicking on an opponent is near-impossible on my touchpad, and due to the sword's low damage, killing even a zombie before it kills me is pretty much a non-option.

Having to use WASD, rather than the arrow keys, was also a pain.

Abdragon26 responds:

Yeah The Clicker Game Nead A Mouse I Have A Touchpad In My Laptop But I Buy A Mouse
Thanks Any Way
The Game Is Just A Beta

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
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