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So many awesome artstyles, so many cool characters. Kitty, you beautiful bastard.

I could look at this all fucking day.

KittyhawkMontrose responds:

Thank you! @WillTommoDDD brought together a great team and did an amazing job with the logo and design. It was super easy for aka1 and I to make an interface. And that art needed the best interface! So many good artists!

A cleverly and creatively crafted collaborative compilation of clocks, with a banger track to top it off.
Happy Clock Day, everyone!

Little-Rena responds:


...well it took me a bit to get to grips with this shit, but it was pretty straightforward once I worked out the ropes. Didn't even need any sort of tutorial.

Pretty damn relaxing. Kinda reminds me of Antimatter Dimensions. The fair number of medals is nice too.

WaspVentMan responds:

Glad you enjoyed the game, antimatter dimensions is a pretty big inspiration, I only have a few… thousand… hours in the game :,)

Another fun-as-hell episode from you, but damn, you cranked up the microgame's difficulty in this - I struggled with a few of these.
Also noticed a typo near the opening - you accidentally spelled "to" as "too" whilst Miller was saying "I'm trying to".

EDITED TO ADD: Also, Jesus, that boss microgame's fuckin' brutal on my touchpad - I ended up needing to pull out my autoclicker to beat it.

JackAstral responds:

Thanks :D Fixed- good catch!

Main complaint's the highly awkward controls - acceleration is far away from the turn controls, and using LMB to shoot is entirely unnecessary.

Putting movement on the arrow keys/WASD and firing on space would've been much better.

NikimonYT responds:

Sure, thanks for the feedback i'm gonna change it!
Edit: Changed them, try it out if you want!

Pretty damn fun, and pretty damn hard, with very distinct sepia visuals.

That road isn't just curvy, its non-euclidean.

mwuwm responds:

Haha thanks!

The sprites flickering on-screen is accurate to the NES, but it makes at enemies a fair bit tougher when it happens.

Having to mash X to reload the revolver also felt pretty awkward - a good alternative would've been having ammo slowly recharge over time, to give the player a choice between constantly firing at a slow rate or waiting until ammo's full and rapid-firing.

DrawPlusPen64 responds:

Okok, let me test more ways to reload and i'll reduce the sprite flickering

A solid little collection of wallpapers - some of these could probably become official ones with how high quality they are.

Nice work, everyone.

SkilledFella responds:

I doubt that my wallpaper will be official...

Simoes1000 responds:

My wallpaper probally will be official too.

Gonna be entirely blunt here - this is pretty much unplayable.

Complete lack of keyboard controls aside, actually jumping from building to building is purely luck-based, as you have to hit the jump button and pray your character actually does the rolling jump you want (instead of the inadequate basic jump that gets you killed) *and* that the collision detection doesn't fail, causing them to clip through the building and die.

Sarautulu responds:

I fixed all the errors. Now it should definitely work

Short, but sweet little platformer.
Main complaint's the doors - didn't find them intuitive at first, and briefly thought getting past the first key was impossible as a result.

hhpony4 responds:

I figured that might happen, ah. Hopefully some ppl will think of it as a confusing little challenge.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


TERF Island

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