View Profile BlueMonday1984

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Lot of funny dialogue in this one, and a solid challenge as well.

Zanzlanz responds:

Hey thanks! I'm glad the dialog hit, it was an unusual element for me to tackle

Congratulations on completing it!

A pretty damn funny throwback to the XP era of Windows - arguably, a "warts and all" throwback.

Kolumbo responds:

thank you!!!!
theres no warts on the real xp tho

An excellent way to celebrate Earth Day.

Happy (belated) Earth Day, everyone - let's try to not fuck this planet up.

Tyhond responds:

Happy Belated Earth Day! ^v^

riot100233 responds:

Oh man I thought it was opposite day :(
You shouldn't drink tap water anymore :/

CRAPPYMUSlC responds:

happy extremely belated earth day :)

Definitely not that much to this - just click the guy 100 times, click the misspelled "kill spamton" button, and boom, you've done all there is.

Seeing the guy get yoinked into the air was pretty entertaining, though.

Bambbud responds:


Well, there's not much here to praise/critique - just an image of Peppa to click, and a "Click Here!" box that awards the game's sole secret medal...and that's about it.

Thanks for the medals, I guess?

ElRandomGMD responds:

Sorry if you disliked It, if you want, you can play another game better than this:

The use of a trophy dispenser was a pretty clever framing device for this collab. Choice of music was damn good too, and everyone involved put out some damn good work. (The medals are a nice bonus.)

Main major complaint is that trophies aren't saved, meaning you lose all of them when you close/refresh the tab.

Mabelma responds:

Thanks for the feedback! Appreciate it a ton.

An okay enough puzzle platformer with a pretty cute artstyle.

The controls felt a bit cramped on my keyboard - allowing the player to edit the controls would have easily fixed that.

I did also have some stutters whilst playing, though they only happened the first time I started a level.

RunicPixels responds:

Thanks for feedback BlueMonday. :) It was a Ludum Dare entry made in 72 hours, we're currently looking into how far we want to take this in terms of post-jam updates. We will look into your feedback. I have conveyed your keybinding feedback to our team and we'll see if this is something for a hotfix or a bigger update.

Update: After discussing with the team, we hope to roll-out a key-binding update next week. :)

I thought for a second this might have been a genuine game.
I was wrong.

Lare responds:

It's not my fault that you're not hardcore enough to beat the game.

Surprisingly creepy, and arguably pretty good.
There's a potentially brilliant analog horror in this, I feel.

Lare responds:

Plus it's 100% gluten free.

A major step up from the original Blam This Game, with two unique routes and a fair bit more content.

St4rryQueen responds:

This reply totally isn't a hint at a potential third game...

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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