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An excellently-made and adorable rhythm game, with a gorgeous artstyle.
Main complaint is the game freezing for about a couple seconds after a stage finishes loading.

Mezix responds:

Thanks so much for your kind words! We're still updating and refining the game so we'll be sure to try and improve the performance in the near future! In the meantime, there are native Windows, Android and MacOS builds over on our itch.io page which should be more performant: https://mezix.itch.io/bug-off

A pretty solid take on the Sokoban formula, with some nice visuals.

saadisaadi1 responds:

thank you very much, very happy that you liked it , please wishlist the game on steam that would help me alot

An excellently-made music video for a banger of a punk track.
The grungey visuals fit the music pretty damn well, and the false choices given by The Salesmen really drive the song's point home.

HearsePileup responds:

Thanks! Yeah I'm not gonna lie this was a lot of effort, so it's great to hear people 'get' it!

Controls for this are extremely stiff - there's a significant delay between pressing left/right and moving, the skater's movement is pretty abrupt, and jumping completely kills his movement.

Additionally, gameplay is virtually nonexistent - I can just click the trash can without making it across and win the game that way, trivialising the single challenge this has.

Aozted responds:

Yeah I know, a lot of bus I am trying to fix, I get it.

Visuals are pretty impressive, and your choice of music was pretty good as well.

Gameplay's also pretty good - character did feel a bit slow to accelerate, but I consider that a nitpick.

caffeine0372 responds:

thank you! (i had no idea anyone would see this game this soon) the whole slow controls thing was made on purpose because i thought it was too easy, the games half a year old now, sorry for that (also for the love of god dont turn on mobile controls)

Quick heads-up, it seems the attack and dash commands aren't working, making me unable to advance past the first screen.
Visuals are pretty nice, though.

swimkop responds:

seems like the issue not fixed
that was fixed!!!

A solidly made and *brutally fucking hard* fangame. Main complaint I have is that I have to restart the game after getting a game over, meaning repeat attempts take a fucking eternity.
I'm pretty impressed you and your team got so much out of Scratch - I'll admit, I generally don't expect much from Scratch projects.

MegaTailsDollOfficia responds:

JUST UPDATED! Try, after pressing the flag, pressing X! That's our attempt to making an easier Retry Button, since scratch sucks to do it, lol.

You did mention that swapping between mage and dragon form was gonna be awkward, but I found the basic controls pretty awkward as well.

You want to know how I'd have done it, I'd have put crouch on the down arrow and jump on the up arrow. Not 100% sure where to put everything else, but the Z/X/C keys seem like a good choice.

I did enjoy what little I could experience - I ended up giving up during the tutorial level after my little finger began hurting like hell.

JKSun22 responds:

Hello and thank you for playing! I'm sorry you had a bad experience with the keyboard controls, but I also recommend using a USB gamepad if you have one. I'll be sure to leave a note about that in the game description.

Visuals are pretty good, and gameplay's alright too, but the controls massively bring this down.

Space to jump and O/P to use weapons is seriously awkward, whether you're a rightie or a leftie.

You want my recommendation, move jump to the up arrow/W, and allow the player to use Z/X for weaponry.

LawrenceP responds:

thanks for the feedback. I added Z and X for attack and weapon switch. I can't use W or the Up arrow to jump because there are climbable things, such as ladders in this demo, and you use those keys to go up .

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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