View Profile BlueMonday1984

464 Game Reviews

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A simple, but pretty fun little title, even if the combat system can be broken clean in half by grinding at the punching bag and pouring all your points into strength. I can see *some* attempt to quell that by having higher-level enemies attack first, but it clearly wasn't enough.

There's a fair number of places to go, things to do and medals to earn outside the combat, so I can't hold it too much against this.

If you're looking for the Golden Astronaut, lick the pavement in the alleyway - you'll find it in the bottom-right corner.

A finely done flock of Christmas gifts for a lot of Newgrounds' coolest peeps, featuring hilarious malarkey and a hefty medal count. The Easter Eggs (Christmas Eggs?) were a nice touch, too.

A finely done murder mystery, with many twists and turns
Plus an abundance of excellent art - the solid nonograms don't hurt.

Fantastically done Pico Day title - arguably one of the highlights of 2023.

A solid compilation of clocks, displayed in quite the fine gallery.
I gotta say, the intro in this is pretty damn bombastic - makes me wish I could replay it.

A finely made Clock Day shitpost of an adventure game, with a fair bit of replay value from the three major ways to finish it.

Simple, short, and pretty fun, with some neat BGM as well.
Egg colours were pretty distinctive, making it pretty damn easy to beat.

Not exactly much here in terms of torturing this filthy blammer, but its no big deal when you get to give one exactly what it deserves.

BGM is spooky as hell - gives this interactive torture chamber one hell of an atmosphere.

Exactly what it says on the tin - press Y, get a medal and ten points.
The colour scheme suits this shitpost pretty well.

An okay enough Fishy clone - can't exactly go wrong with using Cartoons' "Witch Doctor" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZNYyrbACLs) as BGM, and visuals were basic, but easy to understand.

Gameplay was pretty damn choppy, though, unlike the silky-smooth Fishy.

Good to kill a few minutes, but the complete lack of audio/visual effects, or any semblance of skill causes this to get old real damn quick.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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