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A neatly-made archive for Newground's current level icons, even if it has been surpassed by NG Levels 2014.

The "About" screen does pops up underneath the level text when viewing the "Levels", "More Levels" and "Top Levels, Etc" tabs - by my guess, that's either an issue with Ruffle or with you making a minor goof with the text's depth.

A neatly-made archive for Newground's special Halloween level icons, even if it has been surpassed by NG Levels 2014.

Seems like some of the level icons are different in this than in 2014 - not entirely sure why, but I'm guessing the staff weren't happy with some of the icons and decided to change them.

A pretty cleverly done April Fool's prank, which did a pretty solid job masquerading itself as a genuine Pico's School sequel.

Of particular praise is the wrench found to the left of the school, which gives the impression of an upcoming puzzle which requires its use.

Basic as this Flash may be, its also a neat little time capsule of some visuals from Newgrounds' early days.

The Audio Portal ranks are really cool - feels like that should make a comeback.

Well, that wasn't much. Just a button, a few frames, and some music made from TF2 SFX.
The duplicate preloader was oddly interesting - not sure how that came about.

A very neatly made archive for Newgrounds' current level icons and auras - both the regular and halloween versions.
Main complaint is being unable to easily swap between the regular and Halloween versions - makes comparing level icons a bit of a hassle.

Anyways, quick heads-up for Cyber - the "NG Level Archives" link under "Nostalgia" is broken - the link (https://ngarchive.aksumka.com/levels) gives me to a 404, and it appears Aksumka's archive has gone down for good. It does seem there's archives of it on the Wayback Machine, so you should be able to fix the link to some extent.

A pretty simple, but pretty fun little endless platformer, with some pretty cool easter eggs.
Not sure which video had Cary telling people to one-star this - if anyone knows, provide me a link.

A really cool spin on the classic snake formula - sure, the controls aren't the most intuitive, but I can easily forgive that for a clever and trippy perspective gimmick.

...in retrospect, its kinda fitting Miniclip's first sub here after 9/11 was a silly little patriotic dance game.

Its a pretty basic gadget all around - naught but a few dance GIFs and a seconds-long loop, but hey, at least it helped raise people's spirits in the aftermath of an era-defining tragedy.

A straight-to-the-point remake of a venerable top-down shooter, with a nice audiovisual upgrade and a hefty boost to difficulty.

If you're looking for a challenge, this will certainly deliver - not only are the aliens faster and more trigger-happy than in the '78 classic, missing your shot or having it blocked will leave you unable to fire for longer than if you hit your target, punishing sloppy aiming.

Its a major shame Miniclip's long-dead, but at least this is still playable.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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