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A simple, but fun little paint program, with plenty of cute and fun ways to fuck about and have some fun.

That black hole tool can absolutely WRECK performance, though, god damn

There's obviously a fair bit more you could to improve this, but as it is, this is a pretty fun little gadget to play with, and was an absolute godsend for comic creators before the Art Portal got multi-art support.

I'd like to give particular praise to Montrose and Dieswyx for the bursting-with-personality art and the banging Amiga-style chiptune - makes this feel like so much more than a simple comic utility.

KittyhawkMontrose responds:

Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it! @Dieswyx really knocked it out of the park with the song, really capturing that Amiga-style as you said.

We've got more coming to Bando's! We're going BEYOND comics! 🚀

A very impressively done recreation of a truly vintage console experience.
Easy to pick up and play, and adorable as hell, too.

(The alarm was a nice touch - sure, its redundant in an age of smartphones, but its just such a cool little feature!)

KittyhawkMontrose responds:

We wanted to be thorough in our design! This is an actual Game & Watch homebrew game after all, and they always had an alarm. Took me forever to design that bell! Glad you like it!! 💖

This is a pretty solid troll submission - the crude-as-hell visuals and VA work complement the charmingly crude setup.

Gameplay's pretty damn boring once you get the hang of it, though the random references did a good job getting a chuckle out of me.

KALane2013 responds:

Thank you

The gameplay I feel should stay the same but I might add more events to it to make it less boring

As for the references more will be added

A cool little digital theremin to mess with.
I quite like the skeumorphism and button SFX - gives it a bit of a physical feeling, whether on mobile or PC.

This feels like some cool thing you'd have found on mobile, before app stores started getting drowned in a cavalcade of crap.

KittyhawkMontrose responds:

Thanks! @alsoknownas1 was working on a sound engine that was interactive, and I thought yeah, this could work as a toy! Glad you like the design. I wanted it to have that retro skeuomorphism of the early App Store or Flash. I dig that style so much.

So many awesome artstyles, so many cool characters. Kitty, you beautiful bastard.

I could look at this all fucking day.

KittyhawkMontrose responds:

Thank you! @WillTommoDDD brought together a great team and did an amazing job with the logo and design. It was super easy for aka1 and I to make an interface. And that art needed the best interface! So many good artists!

A truly stunning tribute to a criminally underrated enemy roster. Excellent work from each and every one of you!

Short, but sweet Pico-styled adventure, about everyone's favourite psychotic cheerleader and her deranged quest for a ginger's love.

Seems I've also managed to find a softlock in-game - unsure what exactly causes it, but the door to the back of the school can fail to work, making Darnell inaccessible and making the game unwinnable. I did work around it by using the "Forward" option in the context menu, though.

An impressively good remake of a Macintosh classic - this HTML5 title's Daily Award was richly deserved.

I have zero clue what the actual fuck I just played but holy shit that was wild beyond belief.
Very unique core mechanic, very pleasing visuals.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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