View Profile BlueMonday1984

464 Game Reviews

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Well, this hits a bit different after "Man of the Woods" torpedoed Timberlake's career.

Gameplay's pretty damn awkward - having to center the mouse made nailing anything (let alone Justin) a major crapshoot, and the rifle's generally poor accuracy makes this *much* more luck-based than it has to be.

Visuals are pretty neat, though - got that late-90's charm, I'd say.

Luis responds:

This game is old enough to buy me a drink and it better soon.

A nicely done gallery for Mexican Independence Day. Only one I'm struggling to find is ShangXian's, but that's explicitly a secret :P

Another excellent, pulse-pounding episode, with a fucking brutal twist. Loved seeing my progress from the previous episode carry over!

Also, Plot Token #5 seems interesting - its either noting a military aircraft or a UFO...

(Update: Earned the medals second time around - forgot to log in the first time around. Whoops :P)

(Update 2: Didn't realise there were two routes for this episode until now. Both were damn good.)

Simple, chaotic, feather-flying fun, with a fair flock of fine upgrades.
Visuals are clean and easy on the eyes, and the achievements give you plenty with which to spend your time.

A pretty fun spin on the classic Snake formula. Music is a bit repetitive, though, and the power-ups don't really don't do anything to change the gameplay.

A very simple, but fun spin on the classic Minesweeper formula. Love the aquatic visuals!

TheSailorDev responds:

I tried to make it feel different and I am glad it cam across as such.

A neat little collection of word puzzles and puns, with a fair dose of outside-the-box thinking.

Easy to pick up, and good to kill a few minutes. I vaguely remember seeing something similar to this on Mousebreaker back in the day.
Killer BGM, though. Pretty visually pleasing, too.

Mantis1 responds:

I didn't know this when I was making the game, but it turns out this is a game genre called "tunnel rush." There's a bunch of them online. I was inspired by a minigame in Sonic 2.

A short, and pretty simple shitpost for Pico Day '21 - good to kill a few minutes (and earn a couple medals), but nothing special.
I did like seeing all the different exclamations, though. Even had a couple knee-slappers in there :P

Deity-Donkus responds:

Are you really that old? Like 1984 old?

Simple, but bloody good fun, with some pretty good music too.
Really like the endless mode - the exponential difficulty curve's where this title's fast and frantic action really shines.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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