A pretty damn strange, but pretty damn fun side-scrolling shooter.
This does wear much of its era on its sleeve, but I'm not gonna fault the dev much for that.
A pretty damn strange, but pretty damn fun side-scrolling shooter.
This does wear much of its era on its sleeve, but I'm not gonna fault the dev much for that.
This isn't a game, this is a playable Benadryl overdose
Nicely made, but god damn this is disturbing.
LOL thanks man
A very creative misuse of E1M1, and a pretty solid riff on high-class art galleries.
Pretty basic, and pretty repetitive. Still good to kill a few minutes with, and the soundtrack's pretty damn good.
Exactly what it says on the tin - two or three frames of "nothing special", paired with some pretty nice music. The secret medal was pretty cleverly hidden, I'd say.
That it is! Thanks for stopping by BlueMonday, and playing nothing special!
A hilarious Flash game about killing a widely hated figure, with crude visuals and cruder humour? The '00s are well and truly back.
Fantastically done throwback in every regard. Cathartic as hell, too.
Dead simple to pick up, and pretty damn fun, with a pretty solid amount of upgrades and content to offer.
The high amount of stuff the game throws out can easily tax your CPU, though, and the visuals can quickly devolve into an unreadable mess at times.
The models on the plane/helicopter and the bosses are also pretty damn good.
A very nicely made Escaping the Prison parody, with audio and visuals that are both so-bad-its-good to a hilarious degree.
This is just the arcade game Centipede with extra Euroschlock
Okay, easy joke aside, this was a pretty fun little Centipede clone - the gun not being centered does throw me off a fair bit, but that's about it.
A simple bitesized bit of bear-based comedy, expertly executed and deftly drawn.
The dry and witty dialogue pairs very nicely with the sheer absurdity of its central premise.
Newgrounds is damn good.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24
Supreme Commander - 7/12/24
Age 24, he/they
TERF Island
Joined on 1/1/23