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I'll give you credit for managing a pretty neat warping effect with the seconds-long 9/11 footage loop, but that's about it. At least with your previous two games, there was actually some semblance of gameplay to them.

ZabuJard responds:

if its pretty neat than why 0 rating, cringe!

You definitely cranked the difficulty up a bajillion degrees - I lasted less than a minute and struggled the entire time. I was expecting a gradual difficulty curve, not a goddamn wall.

Got a final score of 413 thanks to the spawn rate going from a trickle to a flood.

You laid the atmosphere on THICK with this one - I was anticipating a jumpscare that never came throughout my entire playthrough.

gts1108 responds:

Sorry for disappointing you but thanks for playing it

A very meaty and very well done platformer, with pixel-art visuals as fine as a Wagyu steak.

Main (minor) complaint's the controls - I'd have liked it I had the option to use up/W to jump and didn't need to hold shift to run (holding shift causes pain in my pinky pretty quickly).

BakethedBean responds:

so glad you enjoyed my game, however I must admit its nowhere near as good as ur comment :)

A goddamn smorgasbord of adorable and awesome bug designs, all held together with an excellent throwback to Pokemon's first gen.

(Quite fitting, given Satoshi Tajiri's childhood bug collecting inspired the series.)

Basic idea was okay, but the complete lack of challenge meant this got old quickly.

I wrote this entire review whilst keeping the game running, and didn't struggle at all to keep the red balls at bay.

Playing this reminded me of -Red- (https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/341598) - I'd recommend playing that if you want some idea on how to improve this.

(Final score for this was 364, after I waited for an eternity to lose.)

Lovedogs2178 responds:

It will get harder. The harder version will be released at 7:00 AM EST on July 6, 2024. Thanks for the feedback!

Basic idea was okay, but the physics felt jank as shit - ground movement felt like I was stuck in mud, whilst air movement felt difficult to control.

The falling cubes also had a bad tendency to feel just plain unfair.

Lovedogs2178 responds:

Sorry about the physics. The physics engine I used didn't work how I wanted it to... And the game was made to be hard.

Main major complaint is the inability to control your jump height, which makes platforming much harder than it should and makes the double jump into a major liability.

Another complaint's with the respawn system - respawning at a set location means its pretty much pure luck if you get to try another run after dying.

Got a high score of 20.6 seconds before giving up.

Wreaker404 responds:

Thanks for the tip, I'll try to make the jump height based on how long you press down or something.

You only got 20? Sounds like a skill issue, it's pretty easy to get over 100 if you're good at timing your double jumps.

A solid all-around platformer with an interesting premise.

Main complaint's the unskippable dialogue - it made restarts a lot more tedious than it should be.

Virhinic responds:

Updated the game and added a way to speed up the dialog (D/Right Arrow)

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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