View Profile BlueMonday1984

464 Game Reviews

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A simple, but solid puzzler, sure to test your skills.

Simple, skill-based (sorta) fast, frantic fun - all amped up with some high-intensity sonic euphoria from ZeRo BaSs.

Good luck getting those final medals, though - you're basically at the mercy of RNGesus with those ones.

This'll be helpful to watch the Deathmatch.

AED-4 responds:

Thanks! Something like this hasn't been done before for NGADM as far as I'm aware, so I'm interested to see how well this works :)

A pretty damn solidly made Scratch platformer. Sure, I did encounter the occasional bug (one level spawned me inside level geometry, and the timer ended up freezing after I got two coins), but this was still pretty damn enjoyable.

Iwannakillguy responds:

Thx ;) I`ll fix that

Physics are fine (walljumping *controls* took me getting used to), but you don't really have much here beyond a glorified debug room/tutorial stage and a short stock sound loop.

You're not wrong about it being really hard - when you have slippery physics rendering your character nigh-uncontrollable and a complete lack of direction on how to get to your goal, its naturally gonna be hard.

As for if its enjoyable or not, I think my rating speaks for itself.

A fast, frantic and fun-as-hell microgame collection with an adorable and varied artstyle.

Your LOWREZJAM win was very well deserved.

I can see where you were going with this, and you've got a pretty creative idea, but the mouse-only controls render this much harder to play than it should.

I strongly recommend you add keyboard controls (WASD or arrows, doesn't matter) whenever you get the chance.

YutoriNet responds:

It can be operated using the arrows on the keyboard, but the screen moves. Please play from the full screen button.

A fine enough retro platformer - nothing special, but nothing seriously busted, either.

Main complaint's the camera - I frequently ended up making leaps of faith due to the camera being too far to the left. Having it move when the guy's in the centre of the screen should fix that.

Despite that, I still found the game a bit too easy - I beat it first time around with time to spare.

supereli12345 responds:

Yeah, it's one of the first projects I made with gdevelop, so it is pretty simple. also the camera problem, it glitches out when i have it center on the player (Mainly glitching out when stopping Mid-Air before landing) so i had to lower the follow rate a tiny bit.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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