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A fun as hell puzzle game, with a pleasing pixel artstyle.

A solidly made and *brutally fucking hard* fangame. Main complaint I have is that I have to restart the game after getting a game over, meaning repeat attempts take a fucking eternity.
I'm pretty impressed you and your team got so much out of Scratch - I'll admit, I generally don't expect much from Scratch projects.

MegaTailsDollOfficia responds:

JUST UPDATED! Try, after pressing the flag, pressing X! That's our attempt to making an easier Retry Button, since scratch sucks to do it, lol.

You did mention that swapping between mage and dragon form was gonna be awkward, but I found the basic controls pretty awkward as well.

You want to know how I'd have done it, I'd have put crouch on the down arrow and jump on the up arrow. Not 100% sure where to put everything else, but the Z/X/C keys seem like a good choice.

I did enjoy what little I could experience - I ended up giving up during the tutorial level after my little finger began hurting like hell.

JKSun22 responds:

Hello and thank you for playing! I'm sorry you had a bad experience with the keyboard controls, but I also recommend using a USB gamepad if you have one. I'll be sure to leave a note about that in the game description.

Visuals are pretty good, and gameplay's alright too, but the controls massively bring this down.

Space to jump and O/P to use weapons is seriously awkward, whether you're a rightie or a leftie.

You want my recommendation, move jump to the up arrow/W, and allow the player to use Z/X for weaponry.

LawrenceP responds:

thanks for the feedback. I added Z and X for attack and weapon switch. I can't use W or the Up arrow to jump because there are climbable things, such as ladders in this demo, and you use those keys to go up .

Only bug I noticed was when after finishing the demo - I started a new run immediately after, and ended up hearing both the menu music and the level music playing simultaneously.

Other than that, this worked flawlessly on Firefox, and was a pretty damn fun Sonic fangame.

Gruffdasmuff responds:

Thank you so much man! I can try to fix this issue when I get the time.

A solidly made escape game. Got a fair way through before needing a walkthrough, and with retrospect the solution was fairly obvious.

You weren't lying about this being hard, but jeez, zoom that camera out and shrink that dude's hitbox.

This isn't the good kinda hard, this is the frustrating kind.

A high-quality shitpost featuring a fast and frantic take on the Minesweeper formula.

Whilst reaching MORB MODE and getting a high combo requires some quick thinking, gameplay is overall more forgiving than standard Minesweeper - you don't get a game over until you hit ten (out of fifteen) mines, and the spacebar provides an easy method to restart.

Protip: If you're looking to get the Oscar, you'll need to finish the game without hitting any review bombs and whilst in MORB MODE. Staying in MORB MODE is pretty easy once you get the hang of things, but the zero review bomb requirement does introduce some luck. Be prepared to restart pretty frequently.

I may not know anything much about Homestuck, but I know a damn good song when I hear one.
And I hear nothing but damn good songs in this.

Definitely a pretty relaxing game, even if there isn't much to it.
Main complaint's the need to use right-click to pan - on my laptop's crappy touchpad, it makes it impossible to pan the screen without using my autoclicker.
Probably not mobile-friendly, either, but I don't use mobile enough to know.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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