View Profile BlueMonday1984

465 Game Reviews

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A pretty solid take on the Sokoban formula, with some nice visuals.

saadisaadi1 responds:

thank you very much, very happy that you liked it , please wishlist the game on steam that would help me alot

An excellently-made music video for a banger of a punk track.
The grungey visuals fit the music pretty damn well, and the false choices given by The Salesmen really drive the song's point home.

HearsePileup responds:

Thanks! Yeah I'm not gonna lie this was a lot of effort, so it's great to hear people 'get' it!

A basic "collect the stuff" style game without any real challenge - just run to the jpg of a needle 25 times, and you win.

Throw in the, uh, "interesting" visual style and the game's soundtrack sounding like I'm shoving a powerdrill through my earlobe, and you have a painfully unenjoyable game.

A pretty basic, but fun maze game with some clever controls.

Controls for this are extremely stiff - there's a significant delay between pressing left/right and moving, the skater's movement is pretty abrupt, and jumping completely kills his movement.

Additionally, gameplay is virtually nonexistent - I can just click the trash can without making it across and win the game that way, trivialising the single challenge this has.

Aozted responds:

Yeah I know, a lot of bus I am trying to fix, I get it.

A pretty nicely made Sonic fangame, with nicely made 8-bit(?) visuals.

Visuals are pretty impressive, and your choice of music was pretty good as well.

Gameplay's also pretty good - character did feel a bit slow to accelerate, but I consider that a nitpick.

caffeine0372 responds:

thank you! (i had no idea anyone would see this game this soon) the whole slow controls thing was made on purpose because i thought it was too easy, the games half a year old now, sorry for that (also for the love of god dont turn on mobile controls)

A very simple, and very fun title.
Even with the hilariously low-resolution, the game's retro artstyle and distinctive colour palette makes navigation a breeze.

The synthwave soundtrack is pretty good too - quite liked how its tempo changes with your speed.

Quick heads-up, it seems the attack and dash commands aren't working, making me unable to advance past the first screen.
Visuals are pretty nice, though.

swimkop responds:

seems like the issue not fixed
that was fixed!!!

Visuals and audio were okay, but the game was pretty damn short and far too easy - after taking out the first hippo, I could just stick myself in one corner and shoot him to death without any effort.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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