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A n3at littl3 6ad63t f0r quickly 6ivin6 t3xt t3h Pic0nj0 tr3atm3nt.

T3h fr33 m3dal$ ar3 a nic3 b0nu$.

(If j00'r3 l00kin6 2 63t "$p0k3 t3h truth", put "pic0nj0 iz b3tt3r than j00!" (with0ut qu0t3$) in2 t3h t3xtb0x.)

(God help any dyslexics trying to read this.)

Okay, I've got a major complaint about keyboard controls - I was expecting keyboard controls to involve using a key to jump (e.g. the spacebar), not putting a button on screen that says "Jump" which doesn't even do anything - I can still click anywhere on the game window to jump.

There's basically zero difference in control schemes.

You've got a pretty solid top-down shooter here, even if the visuals are a bit basic.

Main complaint I have is swapping weapons - on Firefox, scrolling to swap weapons also scrolls the window, which threw me off a couple times.

A neat little dress-up title, though only being able to go forward through character options is a hassle.
Another major complaint I have is that choosing what background and pet I want locks me out of changing anything else but colour, meaning I have to reload the tab and start over if I'm not happy.

A simple, but fun as hell idea, with cute visuals and pretty solid audio.

I remembered playing this quite a bit as a kid, and I can safely say this holds up.

The Breakout-style gameplay is pretty easy to get to grips with, but the wide variety of blocks and powerups provide plenty to spice things up.

If you're looking for a high score, I wish you luck - with how fast balls can get, you're gonna need some deft maneuvering to keep them under control.

Easy-as-hell to play, hard-as-hell to master, and addicting as hell as a result.

There may only be a single song to play through, but its an absolute banger that doesn't get old no matter how many times you take a crack at that 95% completion achievement.

Deeply fucking unsettling. The fourth-wall break halfway through caught me off guard, and the standard ending was a pretty damn effective jumpscare.

A serviceable game of Pong, even if the paddle felt a bit sensitive.

It does seem like the paddle is moved a bit if the ball hits the very edge - I suspect that's an anti-cheese mechanism you put in, since I earned a point every time I pulled it off on the initial serve.

Pretty nice little jam title. Jump physics seem a bit floaty and I'd have preferred the option to map jump to either the up arrow or the spacebar, but that's kinda minor.

Visuals were alright (even if menu buttons were pretty damn small on my screen (probably a Firefox issue)), and the music was pretty good, if a bit repetitive.

JPsupper responds:

Yeah I agree on all fronts. The buttons are really small on NG, will probably tell Ken and Robin to make proper buttons if we ever update the game.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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