View Profile BlueMonday1984

465 Game Reviews

105 w/ Responses

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Nicely done on the improvements.
Would've wanted to see the keyboard support I requested on your (now removed) prototype, but I'm still fine with mouse-only.

VIMEcompany responds:

I'm going to add a system to see the controls and you can also change direction with space.

The basic idea (essentially reverse spot-the-difference) was difficult to wrap my head around at first, but once I got the hang of it I found a pretty damn relaxing puzzle game to unwind with.

A short, but pretty fun bullet hell shooter with a kickass soundtrack.
Good luck to anyone trying to do this hitless.

The Iron Lung inspiration is obvious, but this takes it in its own direction to produce a pretty damn unnerving little horror game.

The SFX and the heavily restricted visuals lay the atmosphere on thick.

The idea's pretty basic, but it was pretty damn interesting and executed rather well.

The minimalist visuals made remembering each level pretty easy, and it was pleasingly easy to control.

An extremely basic Flappy Bird clone, whose only notable feature is the, shall we say, *interesting*, visuals.

NewKittyKrew responds:

stop talking about yourself, self flattery is not a good look

The visuals are pretty basic, and there's only one level, but it seems you've got the physics down pat.

Using the down key to throw fireballs is pretty awkward, though, and being unable to stomp on enemies in a Mario-like platformer did catch me off-guard.

Those fireballs were also kinda awkward to aim, given their odd trajectory.

TutoblockyGames responds:

1.Did you read the title? 2.yeah the down key may be akward maybe i will change it to z. 3.Thanks for the review my boi, feel free to say how crap is the stuff that took the half of my life to do

A basic shooting gallery which didn't hold my attention particularly long.

Not sure if its just because I'm on Firefox, but it seems holding my breath doesn't do anything.

UPDATE: Turns out I needed to zoom in in order to hold my breath. Turns out I'm an idiot.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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