View Profile BlueMonday1984

465 Game Reviews

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Short, and rather barebones on the gameplay, but I can easily forgive both - this isn't about the gameplay, this is a personal reflection of yours.

If you see Garry, tell him he did a good job on the VA.

Visuals are basic, the jump arc's slightly fucked,
but I can forgive it all for a story that hits like a truck.

Neat visuals, but ho-lee shit controlling this guy's hard.

TharosTheDragon responds:

It's because he gets heavier as you sober up

A perfectly fine way to kill half an hour.

A short, but fun platformer, even if the enemy hitboxes are a bit inconsistent.

Main complaint's with the game's stability.

On the achievement front, "Beat level 1!" and "Beat level 3!" needed a second playthrough, and "Beat level 4!" failed to trigger on multiple occasions. On the gameplay front, I had to deal with a lot of crashes.

A bit easy, but fun as hell. Controls are still somewhat stiff, but being able to move diagonally is a massive upgrade.

Basic, but pretty fun, like most of your other games.

Main complaint is that jumping off the top of the screen shouldn't kill you - from what I can tell, you accidentally enabled vertical wraparound.

Banger choice of music, too.

Basic, but fun avoider game.

I did find it far too easy, though - even with the stiff controls and lack of diagonal movement, juking the demons was pretty much effortless. Might've been from my experience from Walter White: THE GAME, but still.

Short, and a bit too easy, but still pretty fun.

Minor heads-up - seems ground collision isn't working in Firefox, rendering Level 1 unfinishable.

Short, but nicely made. Having to click-and-drag is an odd choice - if anyone else is reading this, I'd recommend using MaxAutoClicker's "hold" click type if you're using a touch pad.
Seems I could phase through spikes by moving the mouse fast enough, too.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


TERF Island

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