View Profile BlueMonday1984

464 Game Reviews

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A short, but fun little escape room. I did struggle a bit with the mouse puzzle, and the card suit puzzle proved pretty easy to brute-force, but neither of those detract from the game's charm.

Gameplay may be a fair bit awkward, but I can more than forgive it given the deeply unsettling storyline.

Lotta silly little creatures in this one - all nicely done.

This is an absolute blast to play, and a banger of a demo.
Minor sidenote: It seems the WIP Wiki's been nuked - not sure what happened to it.

This was a barrel of laughs from start to finish.

Protip: If you die with very specific timing after restarting (unsure of exact timing), you become invincible. If you get your sword out before the glitch kicks in, you retain it, making levels borderline-trivial.

Another protip: Right-clicking, then left clicking lets you move much faster than the game expects, limiting how much the pink enemies move.

Both are useful for dealing with the general hell you'll have to go through to get this game's medals.

This is fucking adorable. Your artstyle was *perfect* for this.

Wish you were still around, man.

That epilepsy warning is not lying. This game will kill epileptics on sight.

Controls also felt oddly stiff and difficult to use, with the ledgegrab frequently going off when I didn't want it to.

On the bright side, the BGM fucking slaps and there's plenty of medals (shockingly easy ones, too - the gold times are pretty generous).

Guy-Unger responds:

ruffle creates some weird noise that isn't supposed to be there haha, thats probably what makes it look way more epilepsy inducing. i could disable ruffle support or try to remove it, but since its playable im just leaving it like this, hoping itll get fixed by ruffle eventually

Short, but goddamn terrifying. Getting to the ending took decompiling the game in JPEXS and making a path for myself, so I could avoid noping out from fear.

"Blind" turned out to be the hardest one to get - it took a shocking degree of willpower to not hit F5 whenever that battery ran low.

I *did* end up finding that getting the final cursed object after running out of battery power led the "game over" audio to play during the ending. I don't blame you for not catching that.

Short, but effective and beautiful as hell.

Hope you're doing well, Jack.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


TERF Island

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