View Profile BlueMonday1984

464 Game Reviews

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This whole thing hit me like a fucking train. Excellent work.

Went in expecting a shitpost, got an existential crisis
10/10, would spiral into despair again

A neat little platformer, if a bit too easy.
Main complaint here is that dropping through floors feels a bit abrupt.

JackAstral responds:

Sorry about that, my old flash code for platforming was so sloppy T_T

A fun and silly little shitpost through the nine circles of Hell.
Main complaint's with the mouse controls - trying to look where you want is difficult when you're limited in how far you can move the mouse from side to side.

For anyone looking for the secret poster, get on top of the border wall in Gluttony (there should be a sand dune to let you walk on it) and walk on the border until you find it.

Well, there isn't much here - just seems to be a basic test program to help you get to grips with the API.
Still, the free medal was nice.
(If anyone reading is looking for it, I got it by typing "50" into the text field).

A pretty damn moving ending to a pretty damn wild ride.

A pretty solidly made and creative take on Sokoban.

Undo was pretty slow, but that's my only major complaint.

Pretty fun game, but Christ this game's a crashfest.

I'm not sure what's going on underneath the hood, but you need to debug the everloving shit out of this.

A somewhat fun idea massively dragged down by slippery physics.

Level 49 in particular is outright impossible because of this. I tried using a walkthrough (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PqMFa-Yn-c), but using it was for naught, given the game's physics pushed me off and killed me if I did land the agonisingly tight timing it demanded.

Pretty basic, but pretty damn addicting. I could see something like this at an amusement arcade or two.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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