View Profile BlueMonday1984

464 Game Reviews

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A basically perfect ending to a wonderful series.

You're a fucking treasure, Jack.

A pretty fun little title, if even more of a grindfest than its predecessor.

Gameplay was a bit more exciting to watch - I did see more wins by ring-out rather than running out of stamina, and the special ability did throw in a much-needed element of strategy. HUD did make it a bit difficult to determine who had more stamina at any given time, though, and being able to press space to use special would've been nice.

It was also pretty funny seeing my blade go flying out the stadium after activating its special ability.

Witnessing myself win a round without even touching the other blade was good for a laugh, too.

No "Completionist" medal's a nice bonus - means much less grinding for 100%.

A short, but fun little platformer, even if it was a tad too easy.

My main complaint's with the planet mechanic - having to be on the ground to swap sides was a bit awkward, and it had a tendency to throw me straight into enemies.

Chiptunes were pretty nice, as well.

The Thwomp analogues being fatal on the sides did also catch me off guard, I'll admit, but that's just a nitpick.

An okay enough take on the Beyblade formula, even if it is a bit repetitive and rather barebones.

I definitely felt the repetitiveness when getting "Completionist" - it takes a lot of battling to get the cash necessary to buy every single blade part.

The Tier III tournament was also a pain point of mine - the final round is a coinflip if you have the Night faceplate and Ultimate blade, and pretty much unwinnable if you don't.

Never got into Beyblade as a kid, so I can't comment on how accurate it is to the real-life toys.

Gameplay may be a bit spartan, and the visuals a bit simple, but I can fully forgive both, given how hard the story hit for me.

As someone who's spent the 2020s feeling adrift and unsure what to do, this hit very close to home.

A pretty basic, but fun idea dragged down by the enemies being a unpredictable fucking nightmare.

A very basic Flash, but useful if you don't have a d6 lying about.

This isn't a game, this is a playable nightmare.

A solid little brainteaser, good for killing time on break.

A basic enough shitpost title, but one with pretty solid music.
Getting exactly 6.9 seconds was a fucking ballache, though - might as well be fucking luck-based.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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