View Profile BlueMonday1984

465 Game Reviews

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This was a pretty weak demo all around - a combo of the enemies not moving and Oggy's spammable bash attack oneshotting everything (except the boss) made the game insultingly easy.

Audio and visuals were also pretty poor, too - the visuals are a mixture of ripped images/random shapes in MS Paint, and I couldn't find a single piece of SFX you didn't rip from elsewhere.

I also found that you didn't reset the coin/life counters after the demo finishes and that going off the left edge of the map causes Oggy to fall forever - those are both pretty serious oversights.

MorganPaulRee responds:

Hi, this is just a beta testing. We will solve these problems you have stated. Thank you for experiencing!

A short, but pretty nicely made shmup, with a neat Game Boy-ish artstyle.

If there's an obvious improvement to be made, its in adding a keyboard command for changing forms - having to use the mouse and click "Change" in the corner makes using it pretty awkward (it is worth it for that alternate form, though - its pretty OP).

Does seem arbitrary that I'm limited to the left half of the screen, though, and the audio seemed pretty lacking as well.

A basic, but nicely made maze game. Does seem like you can pass through the barriers if you move your mouse fast enough.

Platforming was pretty nice, and the visuals were pleasing to look at.

Main complaint's the level design - missing a battery in level 2 because a gap looked like a bottomless pit was kinda frustrating.

The lack of a death animation's also a minus, but I'll admit that one's a nitpick.

Basic, but fun-as-hell.

A nicely-made and damn-fun take on the Sokoban formula.
This'll definitely test your puzzle-solving skills, that's for sure.

Basic, but pretty entertaining.
I am getting all-black models after testing on both Firefox and Chrome, so I suspect the issue's going a bit deeper than simple browser fuckery.

RosieUV responds:

huh, weird.

Short, but goddamn scary.

Simple, but fun. It is held back by some sloppy collision detection (I've frequently died despite having clearly cleared a jump), though.

Neat little timewaster. Medals being worth a shitload of points doesn't hurt, either.
Broccoli does seem a bit OP, though - game basically starts playing itself once you get enough.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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