View Profile BlueMonday1984

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Welcome back, Deg! Solidly animated re-introduction!

Stylish little action scene, with a practically perfect loop.

Solar Girl's expression at the end really sells her exasperation.

Extremely smooth loop - definitely fits the cartoony animation you were going for.

Simple, but moody, with a nice and grungey artstyle.

Tammyas responds:

Thank you very much
I could make it longer but it was project for shcha7sec

A hilariously wild ride from beginning to end, and an excellent salvaging of a sponsorship deal which fell through.

I know who I'm calling if I have a product which needs shilling.

Quick word of advice:
If you're looking to find work here on NG, I'd recommend either starting a thread on the BBS's "Voice Acting" forum (https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/forum/23) or making a listing on the Collabinator (https://www.newgrounds.com/collab) - something like this is at pretty high risk of getting blammed or falling under the radar.

The Collabinator won't let you advertise your services without having some original work posted, so if you have a VA reel lying about, I'd recommend uploading that first.

ChoccyBoo responds:

Ah, sorry I'm not great at advertising and very new to NG's but I was told to try it out.

This feels like an intro for a company specialising in action or horror. Props for getting that across in under a second.

This wasn't an animation, this was a viewable fever dream.

Nice work on the stop-motion paper/fabric artstyle - you gave this a uniquely fucked-up look.

Well, Mandy didn't quite pull off motivating me, but she did crack me up trying - far as I'm considered, that's a success. Nice work.

Goddamnit Lopunny I wanted that cake why the hell did you ruin it

Nice work on the bunny boy - bro's shaking really sold how scared he was of that crazy bun.
Ending cracked me up, too - I don't think Lop was expecting to choke on some cake herself :P

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


TERF Island

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