View Profile BlueMonday1984

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I got secondhand motivation watching this.
You did a damn good job capturing how it feels getting complimented by someone you look up to.

cubedzero responds:

THANK U!!!!!

I don't have a job and I'm mooching off my parents - I think they'd notice a sudden $3/month jump in my expenses.

Pretty solid ad for Supporter all around - short, sweet, and gives whoever's watching a solid reason to cough up some cash.

God damn, I didn't expect a skeleton to get verbally ground into dust today.

Cockadoodledee responds:

their time had finally come

Your brother-in-law had a pretty killer idea, and you absolutely killed it with the execution.

I especially loved the creative kills you cooked up - I'd love to see a full-fledged movie made out of this!

JojoBeanus responds:

haha, he's a really cool dude! absolutely! and thank you so much, we'd love to turn it into a feature film, most definitely! I'm gonna tell him what you said, he'd be happy to hear it!

Excellently animated, goddamn hilarious and timely as hell.

You couldn't ask for a better debut in animation than this, and with the musical talent you've developed for over a decade, I just know you're capable of some truly brilliant work.

AvizuraNG responds:

Oh my god you're making me blush dude XD

Thank you so much!!!!!

This isn't an animation, this is a watchable nightmare.

The woman's voice feels like you're driving a power drill into my ears. The visuals feel like you're driving a power drill through my eyes.

RBako responds:

Thanks :) I love drilling.

Adorably-made eyecatch. I wish this was a full-fledged short.

Short, but unsettling, with plenty of buildup before the guy stabs himself.

You chose a fucking banger of an intro track for this.

Excellent work on the animation, too - I can tell SMB Unlimited is gonna be awesome.

A very high-quality shitpost, which executes its relatively basic concept extremely well.
The clever use of audio clipping from Jeaney Collects really drives the jokes home.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


TERF Island

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