I gotta say, that's some pretty nice looking milk - and the otherworldly-looking guy trying to sell me it doesn't look half bad, either.
Not sure what the other 95% of it is, though
I gotta say, that's some pretty nice looking milk - and the otherworldly-looking guy trying to sell me it doesn't look half bad, either.
Not sure what the other 95% of it is, though
Excellently done student film - feels like a childhood cartoon.
Fourth-wall break near the end was goddamn hilarious.
A top-notch shitpost from start to finish.
Particularly loved the mixture of crude '00s Flash visuals and silky-smooth animation.
Damn, that whiskey hit the Demo hard
Short, but sweet bit of drunken fun.
the Demo is on crack and f drunken fun
Quick work of advice - I'd recommend using darker colours for the lineart, I struggled to see it.
Music, pretty good though - I'll admit to having never heard of it before now (never watched Gravity Falls :P)
Thank you very much! Though I am using these as a sketch right now, I’ll keep it in mind for when I post :D
I'm not sure what creeped me out more - that fucking clown or the glitchy nightmare audio.
Well, that was a quick change of fortune for Jack.
Animation did feel a bit stiff with this one.
Stylish and dynamic as all hell - gives me the impression this is loaded with action (both lewd and SFW :P).
Thank you! That's exactly what I wanted to get across and I think it won't disappoint!
Short, but sweet.
Pretty impressed with the animation on Sonic - felt like he was damn-nigh breaking the sound barrier there.
the sillies (they are in love (I think))
Sweet as hell opening, brutally hilarious ending.
Newgrounds is damn good.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24
Supreme Commander - 7/12/24
Age 24, he/they
TERF Island
Joined on 1/1/23