Stylish as hell - the limited animation and colour palette gave this a very distinctive look.
Side B's climax was fucking awesome, by the way.
Stylish as hell - the limited animation and colour palette gave this a very distinctive look.
Side B's climax was fucking awesome, by the way.
Oddly melancholic and lonely tone to this - guy still looks kinda happy to be with her, even after getting his arm ripped off.
Hilarious bait-and-switch, with a pretty punchy secondary punchline.
Nicely done bait-and-switch, helped by the very offbeat visuals.
Main complaint's the audio - barring the outro, its only coming from my headphones' left ear. Makes it sound weird as hell.
Stylish as hell - love the graffiti art style.
An amusing little animation on an interesting niche.
Nicely done, Horse Friend.
Thank you! 🐎 Also, nice username song choice!
Basic, but pretty damn dreamlike.
The callback to the shopkeeper's(?) violent dreams was pretty neat.
A comedy of errors, all finely made.
Cutely animated and hilarious, I gotta say.
Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24
Age 24, he/they
TERF Island
Joined on 1/1/23