Feels like I'm watching a nightmare or a dying dream - can't quite pin down what it is.
There was an odd sense of hope in the ending, however hard it was to suss out from its wall-melting nightmarish nature.
Feels like I'm watching a nightmare or a dying dream - can't quite pin down what it is.
There was an odd sense of hope in the ending, however hard it was to suss out from its wall-melting nightmarish nature.
Exactly the type of response I like to hear! Its a mix of both, its a story about depression, I originally had a different ending in mind, however, I felt it would be too direct.
The high-class orchestra and fine-art(?) comic style finely juxtapose the prehistoric hilarity that makes up this story's events.
The audio quality gives me the impression this began life as a Discord conversation of Seinfeldian nature.
The duality of Burgerpants - fake smiles and wild eyes on the outside, emptiness and depression on the inside.
Liked how you changed the background colour - overwhelmingly saturated for his attempts to feign happiness, heavily drained and dull for his real self.
I'm not sure what you did with the audio, with my headphones on, the voices sounded like they were coming from inside my fucking head.
I didn't even notice the evil twin(?) staring at me the first time around - that bastard blends in unless you know where to look.
This'll give a motherfucker nightmares, that's for sure.
I know suits are generally soulless bastards but using argumentum ad baculum on someone who can send an army of lawyers after you doesn't seem like the smartest idea.
Short, but sweet - liked the stress you put on the pitchmaker's face.
I hope the army Air Bud lawyers catch wind of this one. Feel free to send it their way!
Don't you hate it when the fourth wall suddenly collapses and you realise you're in a comic
Audio sounds like its coming out of a radio - makes them sound alien.
Geiger in the Command Room
Who's she gonna nuke
Nicely detailed background - personal highlights are the foxgirl(?) on screen yelling at her and the dangerously uncovered NUKE button.
Geiger also looks pretty fun to be around, what with the skeleton onesie(?) and all. Probably also makes Geiger counters go completely apeshit, too :P
Poor bastard - denied a chance to stand by his short leg.
Short, but sweet. Guy's pretty cute, and its heartbreaking seeing his pain.
Critical Strike on Boyfriend
Boyfriend Left Arm Crippled
Boyfriend Right Arm Crippled
The VATS setup was nothing special in my eyes, but seeing Boyfriend's arms nonchalantly plop off from the uppercut of the century put a smile on my face.
Newgrounds is damn good.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24
Supreme Commander - 7/12/24
Age 24, he/they
TERF Island
Joined on 1/1/23