True love is a beautiful thing. Especially when it comes with being accepted for your oddities.
Loved how perfectly this looped!
True love is a beautiful thing. Especially when it comes with being accepted for your oddities.
Loved how perfectly this looped!
Pretty solid fan-anim all around. Main complaint's the flashing effects about 40s in - those can give some poor sod a seizure if you aren't careful.
Thank you I was wondering if it was a bit much.
Pretty brutal headache cure, but you can't deny it isn't effective.
Low bitrate/compression artifacts do a fine job giving off that headache-y feeling, but it makes viewing the finer details (like the effects coming off the guy's head) a PITA to se.
Minor heads-up - you forgot to put the audio in the description.
Still, pretty nice and fun anim.
A fun as hell MV, and an ASCII classic.
Pretty impressive black hole effects - feels like reality itself is being torn to shreds.
thanks!, problem with it, it is too short, I ll try to do longer animation next
Yep, this is some pretty good comedy. Sudden explosion at the end was a gutbuster.
Glad it had some entertainment value.
I have known these OCs for less than five minutes but already I imagine they're capable of some truly insane antics. Pulling the audio from Class of '09 definitely helped with that feeling.
Newgrounds is damn good.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24
Supreme Commander - 7/12/24
Age 24, he/they
TERF Island
Joined on 1/1/23