Quite liked the simplistic animation - made the sudden punchline all the more jarring, and was pretty pleasing on the eyes. Your VA was pretty good, too - sounded pretty relaxed IMO.
As for my burger preferences:
Personally never had In-N-Out (I live in the UK BTW), but Five Guys is pretty fucking delicious. Filling as hell, too - between the burgers being denser than osmium and the metric shitload of fries you get, you're walking out of that place feeling like you've packed on a few pounds. Milkshakes are also pretty tasty (even if they're prone to giving me brain freeze), and help with that whole "ensuring you leave feeling fuller than a hibernating bear" kinda feeling. The food there is horrifically expensive, though, so I can't really afford to go there all that often.
There's also a burger van at the local B&Q where I live - they do some fucking delicious burgers. I get a half-pound bacon cheeseburger there every Monday and Friday.