Just a quick heads-up - I'm unable to connect to the website linked in the hidden QR code I found.
By my guess, you probably brought the site down through sending a boatload of traffic to it. In that case, congrats.
Excellently done as usual, Gene.
Just a quick heads-up - I'm unable to connect to the website linked in the hidden QR code I found.
By my guess, you probably brought the site down through sending a boatload of traffic to it. In that case, congrats.
Excellently done as usual, Gene.
Solidly foreshadowed twist, and scary as hell all around.
Quite liked the clever re-use of shots and the match cut midway through. Made things feel very stream-of-consciousness-ish.
Not enough match cuts these days. The youth have strayed far....
A very high-quality season of shitposts - feels like something you'd find on Adult Swim with the creatively crazy comedy and the charming animation.
"series name changed and reuploaded because my dad decided stalking me online would be awesome so now hopefully he can't anymore"
Wait what the FUCK
it was such an experience!
Smooth moves, Detective.
Impressively rotoscoped, Ink. Quite liked the unmoving plaid effect on the Horrible Necktie.
Thank you for the kinds words! I've always liked that effect in old toons.
The artstyle shift and glitch effects put me on edge. Helps that this anim felt liminal as shit.
You did a good job making the boss one creepy-ass motherfucker.
...yeah, Smores, those kind of injuries will probably kill your ass without medical attention
Short, but sweet - blood effects were pretty basic, but you did a nice job with his intestines.
Damn, just how much stress is Smores under
Quite liked his embarrassed expression at the end.
I can't help but feel the CDC's downplaying the severity of R.O.T. in this anim - and the inexplicable mention of Chem Food makes me feel they've been compromised in some fashion.
Nicely done - this was pretty unsettling throughout. Gives the feeling that the apocalypse is in full swing.
Main complaint's the sixteen secs of black screen at the start. Not sure why that's there.
I'm not entirely sure of Becky's intentions, but hey, eliminating a would-be child groomer's always good.
The light dose of analog horror elements really enhanced the pitch-black comedy you were going for.
her name is jessica but thanks
Newgrounds is damn good.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24
Supreme Commander - 7/12/24
Age 24, he/they
TERF Island
Joined on 1/1/23