Not sure if the heavy compression artifacts were intentional, but they really helped with the nightmarish vibe you were going for.
Not sure if the heavy compression artifacts were intentional, but they really helped with the nightmarish vibe you were going for.
I gotta say, God looks petty approachable, even with the third eye and glow behind him.
Punchline was pretty damn funny and caught me *completely* off guard.
The campfire looked pretty nice, too - the purely triangular flames have a certain charm to them.
Solidly-made and pretty damn funny infomercial. I'm sold.
Short, but sweet, with a solidly set up case of mistaken identity and a fine punchline.
An elegant comment my gentleman
This isn't an animation, this is a viewable fever dream - much like its inspiration.
A whacky-as-hell and hilarious little brawl between a cute little astronaut and a crazy-as-hell alien
Main complaint's the lengthy intro - that fucker took up nearly a third of the runtime.
Another complaint's the ending song - that came exclusively out my right ear, leading to it sounding just plain weird.
I’m not the best audio engineer, but I couldn’t find MP3’s the song, so the audio part is pretty rough, also I may recut the title card because it’s so long
"Also since when was there a 15th asdfmovie??"
Since a couple weeks ago :P
Also FNF devs have a way of making the weirdest ideas slap so fucking hard god damn
Your animation definitely enhances the slap factor, that's for sure
A pretty damn intruiguing teaser - Aaron's "heart attack" provided a good fakeout.
Much easier to see the lineart on this one.
Also, damn, that little creature's expression got pretty menacing.
Seeing the guy put the devil on his shoulder to shame cracked me up. I was *not* expecting the guy to be that underhanded.
Thank you! Yes the main character is more shitty than the literal devil!
Newgrounds is damn good.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24
Supreme Commander - 7/12/24
Age 24, he/they
TERF Island
Joined on 1/1/23