A goddamn barrel of laughs from start to finish, with a wide variety of gags - comedic misunderstandings, puns, and god-knows-what-else.
Also holy shit you got Gianni Matragrano
A goddamn barrel of laughs from start to finish, with a wide variety of gags - comedic misunderstandings, puns, and god-knows-what-else.
Also holy shit you got Gianni Matragrano
Solildly done bait-and-switch, followed up by a clever twist on an old punchline.
A stylish, brutal and creative combo - that old man's still got plenty of fight in him.
A very stylish loop, with a solid style - reminds me of the '60s.
I love homonyms.
Quite liked the expressions on this.
I can tell this was some good practice - you showed off a pretty wide variety of movement with the guy.
Thanks a lot!!!
The smash cut to the slide cracked me up.
Congrats on the new cat!
Pretty cute anim, too!
I'm not sure what this is either, but the music's pretty groovy.
The song name is take a slice and I edited this animation
Newgrounds is damn good.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24
Supreme Commander - 7/12/24
Age 24, he/they
TERF Island
Joined on 1/1/23