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...I dunno, this feels more like '00s-era Internet to me than '10s-era internet. I'm gonna chalk it up to my sense of nostalgia being more for that era of the 'Net - I was born in 2000, and grew up with basically unrestricted Internet access.

Either way, very goddamn dreamy feeling, with a good sense of nostalgia to it - feels like I'm being brought back to a better time.

Quick note - you misspelled "cartridge" as "cartidge" in this, and they aren't using cartridges in this, they're using magazines.

Still a pretty solid piece of pixel animation, that just stuck out to me.

MP32 responds:

yuh i rushed a lot of it cuz it originally had a date limit, wich has been delayed and i lost the original file so i couldnt go back and re edit everything for this realeaze

It is very well known that the horse is the Nevadean's natural enemy

Pretty funny little shitpost here - feels like you've got the basics of Madness animation down.

This is a very high-effort shitpost - the jokes may be pretty fucked-up, but I'm not complaining when they're fucking hilarious.

I've been with the franchise pretty much since the beginning - I was in high school when the original game came out.

Foreboding-as-hell lineup, I gotta say - even Rockstar Freddy's looking dangerous.

LVArts responds:

Heeeey that's great to hear! Personally, I got into the franchise a little bit after it started to spike in popularity, but I've been with it ever since.

Thank you very much as well! I wanted to make sure they could all look properly intimidating while still being within character.

...I mean its a pretty effective saying, even if its a bit too profane for most circumstances

KittyhawkMontrose responds:

Heh, but not profane for the right circumstances!

I gotta say, that robogirl makes a pretty solid argument

Nicely animated, with a well-aimed jab at some of the worse parts of Fromsoft's fandom. Nice jiggle physics, too :P

This'd give anyone watching a damn good idea what kinda stuff you do, and give them plenty of reason to follow. Nicely done. BGM's a banger, too.

Basic enough fit, but hey, if it works, it works. Also pretty comfy too, in my experience.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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