View Profile BlueMonday1984

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aigis my beloved
Love the cute protags around her, like little shoulder angels!

Miku makes a cute murder drone (not a literal case here but my point still stands)
The guns in her hands look pretty odd - they seem like a fusion of an Uzi and an AK.

Dar-K-NG responds:

she would make a cute murder drone.
The Weapons are designed for a scifi comic I'm working on, they're called the Kuz-13 and are 100% an uzi mixed with an AK you got it lol! I dont think I posted them here but I will as soon as I can!

Very cute and very devilish-looking twist on Miku - looks like she could sing a duet before screaming me to death.

holy shit OFF fanart
Miku looks ready to p u r i f y
Quite like her flowing hair - really stands out.

Happpy birthday, Gloves!
I really love the cake - looks delicious as hell. Kinda looks like an old CGI render.

RikoandTako responds:

GLOVES accepts your wishes...
Thank you too aha, I wanna get better at 3D so I can do more cool stuff like this :)

Of these two designs, I prefer the one on the right - the snow white skin makes her look almost undead.

liveforrottenbodyzz responds:

Is actually a him/ they, but yeah I like that one more!

I gotta say, the large bow looks cute on Sayori. Almost looks like a pair of cat ears.
Pretty unique hypnotism effect too - took me a second to recognise she was entranced.

Pretty cozy-looking and calm - a brief bit of respite for the poor guy.
From the looks of things, he's got a 3DS.

Love the background - looks like Lauren's producing one hell of a smokefest there.
Those burgers also look pretty tasty, I gotta say

trash panda :D
Looks kinda angry though - hopefully not rabid

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


TERF Island

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