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...yeah I've got zero context for any of these three but all of them are creepy as hell.
Especially Algo mas - that fucker looks less like he's imitating Sonic and more like Sonic's slowly dissolving into nothingness.
Also Fingers' hand just looks wrong - can't put my finger (ha) on why.

JustaFella0 responds:

nah, thats understandable, they be obscure af compare to sonicbitchexe.

But for context to each basically:
the knuckles one: is a strange edition of sonic 3d blast with a knuckles that has fingers for hands. Bit of a acid trip vibe

Algo mas: A pasta about the narrator meeting and befriending a fella online to make a fan game. But as the development goes on, the narrators went downward spiral, ending with the creation of the fangame where this sonic transforms to this thing.

And finally sonic 3 hacked cartridge: a hackrom that has a strange story with a victim sally(same as the sonic character) suffering a terrible fate by their killer. As the narrator is then harassed and stalked by the killer to give back the hackrom.

A bit more literal than Christ's bread and wine, looks like Celeste's getting eaten alive for people's sins. Celeste's insides do look kinda tasty, though - almost like candy.

serialAnarchist responds:

Ah yeah, You could certainly say she's being eaten alive! This whole piece is very symbolic. Glad you liked it!

Solid shitpost - perspective on the "Yeah!" seems slightly off, but that's my only major critique.
The little fluff inbetween the birb's breasts is a nice touch.

NCMentisArt responds:


I also forgot to mention that I also drew it when the "yeah" meme was trending on twitter lol

Nicely done all-around. Liked the clever choice of background - fits Zorua's illusion abilities quite well.

Kandelier responds:

Hehe thanks! That was the idea!

I gotta say, that girl in number five's got a nice cock :P
Also, I'm a fan of ketchup, but *not drinking it straight from the bottle Jesus*

Nicely done all-around - you know how to make a situation feel awkward as hell.

TheShokBlok responds:

I wanna believe that's a good thing

fluffy tail
so cute...

Akia kinda looks like she's crying in this.

LavenderAlysum responds:

Wow she really does look like it 😂

Perspective looks pretty off on the revolver, but that's my only major complaint. Solidly done piece.

LuFunkyMF responds:

Ohh thanks! First time drawing a gun in general so I'll try to doit better next time!!

Dark, and high-contrast - gives this a very foreboding feeling, especially with the tentacles coming out behind him.
He kinda looks like an eldritch horror in this.

arxxiimations responds:

Thanks! I try to make my art a little dark from time to time :)

I had these designs pop back into my head some time after I saw them, and I ended up remembering I had ran across you.
I'm very happy I remembered them because holy shit these designs are adorable and holy shit you're a damn good artist

arxxiimations responds:

OMGGG THIS MEANS A LOT TYY!! :33 I'm really glad you enjoy my art!

Nightmarish colours of blood red and pitch black
I suggest Girlfriend run, and run very fast

Its a very foreboding piece, and very finely done
One of your finest pieces, bar none

XonicCraft responds:

Thank you so much!! I'm glad you liked it, and thank goodness you haven't even heard the music hahahaha

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
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