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A finely mixed blend of "Mexican Wild West" and "Eiichiro Seafood Special" - this feels like the seed for a great series.

Uchuugoji responds:

and "Akira Toriyama's Elemental"

...goddamnit I'm hearing the lyrical climax just by looking at this eldritch twisted mf
Of these two versions, I prefer the purple-armed version - makes him look more like a vengeful spirit

Doumierstar responds:

Yeah I actually considering posting just the purpley alt but I think that putting both there was better at the end

> It appears something is trying to make its way out of that doll. You're not sure of its exact nature, but you get the feeling its hostile.
The melting seems do a damn good job creeping me out - it just looks nightmarishly wrong.

JustaFella0 responds:

Lets goo!!, I nailed the spooky vibe. And I get that feeling, it really it could either a handmade glitch, a ghost or the two of them even, uncanny valley type shit.

Pizza time

The perspective on that stovetop vent/side drawer combo is fucking with me pretty hard, but I'll be damned if that pizza doesn't look tasty as all hell. I personally prefer mine with pepperoni.

Billy-SuperSkullz responds:

Oh sorry, I wanted to make it all not flat, to give some depth and all.

ah, yes, the perfect human form

Your OC makes a cute plushie - would cuddle

gabeyman responds:

Ty ty

Let's see...I can see the Triforce from the Legend of Zelda, Peach's crown, and Ruby Rose's symbol/crest. The crescent moon's making me think of Sailor Moon, but that's a complete guess. The other three I have zero clue on.

Does seem there's a general theme of power/purity going through it (rather fitting for KH :P) - Ruby Rose is a straight-up hero with some serious silver-eyed powers, the Triforce gives omnipotence to anyone whose heart is sufficiently pure and balanced (everyone else needs to find two random destiny-touched individuals to get their wishes granted), and Peach is a cinnamon roll who's occasionally shown some impressive powers (mainly in the spinoff games).

Love the divine gold-and-white colour scheme for this - fitting for the Light part of this equation.

Hypno-Scream responds:

Thanks! Yeah, each of the circles is meant to relate to a "Princess of Heart" in my work, Peach, Zelda, and Ruby being among them.

Let's see...I can see the Gerudo symbol from Ocarina of Time, the Puppet's mask from FNAF, and Tron Bonne's skull symbol. The paintbrush is making me think of Kirby, but that's a pure guess on my part. The flower's probably Daisy's, given Peach's crown is on the Light version of this pic. The winged ruby and the robot in the centre, I've got zero clue on.

I can sense a general theme of antiheroism/villainy going through your choices:

* The Gerudo end up filling a villain and a hero role for OoT - on one end, Ganondorf acts as the game's main villain, responsible for wrecking Hyrule's shit, whilst on the other end, Nabooru, working with the rest of the Six Sages, seals Ganondorf's ass in the Sacred Realm after (depending on the timeline) Link either beats his ass into next week or dies facing him and becomes an impromptu Triforce Delivery Service in the process.
* Tron Bonne's a pirate in a family of them who's ping-ponged between serving as a hero and a villain
* The Puppet's a murdered-child turned Major Fucking Problem(tm) for Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, who gave the animatronics life and killed night guards left and right in an attempt to send William Afton's ass to Hell and put his victims' souls to rest.

The only one which doesn't fit that's Daisy, who instead acts as a tough tomboyish foil to everyone's favourite cinnamon roll, Peach.

Love the moody purple/pink(?) colour scheme for this - fits the Darkness part of this equation.

Hypno-Scream responds:

Thanks! The theme here with the circles is "Princesses of Shadow". While Princesses of Heart have hearts of pure light, these ones have hearts of pure darkness, but dark doesn't always mean evil, especially in this case. The Puppet and Tron Bonne are aren't truly evil despite their actions, Daisy does at least have a more hot-blooded and brash personality to contrast with Peach, Riju leads the Gerudo and may have some feelings of heavy burden given the Gerudo's history, especially their relation to Ganondorf. Their hearts may be devoid of light, but that doesn't mean they're evil or comparable to someone like Afton or Ganondorf.

The two symbols you pointed to relate to other franchises (The robot emblem is Murder Drones and the jewelry with wings is Darkstalkers)

Gotta say, Akuma does a good job putting on a mask of sanity...at least until blood starts getting spilled.
Once there's some bloodshed, that guy goes from "photogenic and silly" to "fucking psychotic" in a flash and a slash.

Spookycatzzz responds:

Bro I love when you comment long comments like this what the frickkk

You did it
You turned yourself into a Windows Media Player skin

I have zero clue what the hell you're listening to but it must be PEAK to get you to do that
(Also cool pose from you Aldox)

AldoxPegaka responds:

I like to listen to alot of everything my fav artist is romance planet

I've never tried Cane's either (I don't think they're in the UK), but damn if your friend isn't tearing into them ravenously

Gotta say, those fingers look tasty

CappyCatII responds:

Genau! Shame they're only in the states

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
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