View Profile BlueMonday1984

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True Death looks like she could disembowel me and chokeslam me at the same time

Nicely done - looks like an eldritch bug god.

ShadowedMonarch07 responds:

I should draw her doing that to someone 😭
(Also thank you, I wanted her to look more like an eldritch bug god for her redesign)

the duality of silly :3

The blue one looks innocent, the pink one looks like she's about to kill someone

shoko29 responds:

i finished the first scene of the short movie two days ago, so it's really weird seeing comments on old art of them

* Despite everything, its still you.

Simple, straightforward, and pretty cute. Love the unfilled bits of your hair outline - gives the impression of stray hairs.

L0lk responds:

not that deep bro

On the one hand, she looks pretty cute, and probably needs someone to cuddle with (those scars are just screaming "self-harm" to me). On the other hand, she looks kinda hungry for blood and could easily tear me to shreds.

...yeah, I'd probably cuddle. Love the cute lil' goat tail.

Sx1grl responds:

tyty <3

Happy birthday, Nothany - finely done and pleasingly detailed work all around, especially on that delicious cake.
Only real critique I've got is that back corner - looks like the two walls are kinda blending in with each other. Probably the lighting.

NothanyTPM responds:

Thank you! The cake was fun to make. Heck, the whole drawing was fun to make.

That's the first time I heard that mistake. The only noticeable mistake I saw someone else point out is the stairs sometimes looking like a weird wall because I didn't make the part between the top of the stairs and the side of the stairs distinct enough. I can see where you're coming though. I should have made the shadows in the background a smidge darker or more faded.

Still, your critique is valuable for me, and I will keep that in mind next time. It's a learning experience after-all!

Very cute thumbnail, and pretty damn informative vid.
Its always great to see how art gets made.

tomokokyun responds:

THANK U!!! that means a lot!! <3

Is that a knife in Akuma's hand or is he happy to see me?
Also he looks psychotic with the blood and horny without

Spookycatzzz responds:

a knifu for your lifu

Fantastically done perspective shot and shine - Pico looks like he's about to kick some ass.

Za1ntdoesart responds:

Thank you!!!

awww, cute lil' demon girl, with some cute choccy
Looks pretty smug, too

ZenonRetna responds:

She really knows how to chomp that choc!

On the left, a cute fluffy and lonely cat. On the right, a brave blacksmith knight.
...actually yeah this feels like they'd work very well together

Lettucedrawstuff responds:

Glad I'm not the only one here.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
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