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the silly goose (she just stabbed someone)
Nice rendering on that hair and that knife - the knife in particular, it looks like she drove that fucker deep into someone.

ihaships773 responds:

when youre angry you dont know your own strength :p

Damn, that's a pretty messy bedroom. Even worse than mine.
The kitties don't seem to mind though - neither the cute ones you photographed or the emo anthro you cutely drew.

ihaships773 responds:

my and my kitties are one with the room ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿฝ

the sillies (they just wiped out an entire army base)
Is that bisexual lighting in their glasses I see?

Ricetasty responds:

It wasnโ€™t intended until I realised it when I finished everything๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ’ฆ

>a shockingly normal gun-obsessed lady
The gun-loaded background definitely suggests that. Main guns that stand out in there are the Sig-Sauer MK23, and a pair of AR-pattern rifles (exact make/model I'm not sure on). Think I can also see a FAMAS on the bottom-left, but I'm not 100% sure.
This is purely a shot in the dark, but I get the feeling the Metal Gear series may have influenced that background.

DoughieIsToast responds:

hey, thanks for your thoughts but i got the background off google images...

eyefestation demands your gaze

Nice work on the colouring - that unnatural green contrasts quite well with the deep red and the yellow static inbetween them.

Markuris responds:

Thankyou so much <3

Welcome to the Art Portal, its clear you're gonna fit in just fine.
Love the wild expressions and Pizza Tower style background.

KiddKetchup responds:

Hey ty :D

Love the slightly distorted perspective and washed out colours - gives off a drug trip feeling pretty well.

CamariArt responds:

Thanks! Had a lot of fun, just went loosey goosey with it

I vaguely remembered seeing something like this on the Internet. Can't find it - might've just gotten hit by the Mandela effect.
Love the canvas texture you used for this - I mistook the trees for having a woodgrain texture because of it.
Feels sorta like nature reclaiming some disused technology.

in her lane. flourishing. elated. very cute.

The pen and marker stuff has a handmade charm to it - I think it fits your style pretty well.

NikolaKska responds:

Truly happy about how you described her ^^ it is inspiring!
Thank you very much, found my ink style within this work!

Love the soft, washed out colours on this - gives it a warm summer feeling.

MoopersThings responds:

I'm glad I got that vibe across! Thanks a bunch!

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

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