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Unsettling as hell - I mistook 035 for Lethal Company's Dramatic Mask at first glance, but you still did a damn good job making him look possessed.

HAST3 responds:

I didnt know about lethal company's dramatic mask until very recently, and I do understand why people would get confused HAHAAHA, BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH, im glad a vibe like that went through!! <3

Ah, Toronto. Such a mysterious and mythical place... /j

Nice use of the CN Tower in the centre.

Hypno-Scream responds:

Thanks! The skyline's actually based off a shot of Toronto from the comics.

I'd know that fucking boombox anywhere I go. I've got the feeling that man is planning an altogether different kind of chemistry than the kind we all know.

Excellently made - love how his coat complements the overwhelming amounts of pink.

OnyxGalaria responds:

Tyty! Yep, it's based off the album with THAT banger! ;3c

The colour scheme says "hyperactive and lighthearted".
The visuals scream "agonising, soon to be departed".
I gotta say, it does a good job fucking with me.

ZenkoZone responds:

I’m glad I did my job! :3

That's one finely etched chair - the construction lines(?) give the impression that you're personally designing it.

Coolfan23 responds:

Yeah, I love my folding chair that I sit on, its so homely so its a personal item for me 4 sure!

Quite like the textures on this, and the simple, bold colours.

Feels like you could assign an environmentalist message to it quite well - it is an image of a black liquid wrecking nature, after all :P

Coolfan23 responds:

yeah! thats defo a cool look on it, I hadn't even thought of it in term of environmentalism but it totally fits! nice find

Let's see...Scott's planning to run me over with a Toyota, Zeril's planning to nuke me, and Sona's planning to beat my ass into mulch and is actively running towards my ass at full speed. I'll take Zeril - give me a swift death any day.

Nicely done on Scott's outfit - bro looks like a professional racer in that getup.

I didn't even know you can get fox piss on Amazon before looking at this.
Also, for anyone wondering, no, I'm not lying, here's proof: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Predator-Pee-Urine-Trigger-Bottle/dp/B01AL6Y8AU

Nicely done on the duo's expressions - they fit their personalities so well!

EmilyRose420 responds:

Holy shit you found it

Don't worry, his secret's safe with me. Man looks exhausted.
Quite like the reflection in his visor.

LunarXIV responds:

Thx for noticing that little detail :).

Damn, looks like Pico's picked up some double-barrel super soakers! I can tell he's gonna have a lotta fun!
Excellently made and colourful collage - I'd love to see more joined-up characters like this!

remalicious responds:

That’s the plan!! It’s super fun combining a couple of days from this challenge into one piece

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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