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Damn, Isabelle's packing heat - looks to be an MP5 of some description, from what I can make out.
I'll give her props for not pointing it at anyone or anything valuable, but she should at least keep her finger off the trigger.
Nicely made sketch.

Toastypan responds:

yeah i think i based it on 3D models of csgo guns for ref! I really like drawing guns but they are super hard to get right

Another solid model sheet as usual.
Have you thought of putting all your models into a playlist? It'd help make these easier to find and sort through.

Billy-SuperSkullz responds:

Not a bad suggestion, Will start making one!

Solidly done doodle to celebrate your lottery win.
Congrats on UOTD!

aapiarts responds:

I was running low on time before the day ended

This is the cutest thing I've seen all week. Instant favourite.

poplako responds:

Ahh thank you!!

Very cute maid. I can see some heavy inspiration from Minecraft in the cubelike geometry.

Tyhond responds:

Thank you! ^^

Yeah, Valve screwed up impressively badly with CS2.
Doesn't detract from how much I like this, though - there's an endearing goofiness to it.

Sonasonayeah responds:

Ehhhhhhhhhhh I don’t see much of a difference from CS:GO, but these are valid critiques 💯

That croc's got some steely-eyed determination within 'im.

Very nice Art Portal debut - main complaint's the indistinct-looking gun in Crocboy's hand (is that a handgun or a revolver?), but that's not a major complaint.

jmarme responds:

Thank you! The gun type wasn't important to me so I left his whole right side undetailed on purpose, I wanted most of the focus to be on his face :3

Damn, what's the skeleton playing on that Game Boy? Must be mindblowingly good if its lifting him into the air through sheer force of awesome.

Visual effects in this are beautiful to look at.

jmarme responds:

hahaha, the greatest game he's ever played for sure <3 Thank you!

Firstly, its "immerse", not "immersive". Second, I'm not gonna trust something which looks like the bastard lovechild of that one Sonic CD Easter Egg and a Benadryl trip gone wrong.

Gotta say, the scribbly linework and the use of dropdowns, buttons, tabs, and other such stuff as textboxes does a damn good job creeping me out - makes this .exe feel less like a regular virus and more like the spawn of Satan taking over a Windows 9x PC.

JustaFella0 responds:

Bruh what ya talking about? They are wholesome and harmlesss :))))))))

That aside, you right, I gotta keep my grammar in check next time, my bad lmao. But im happy you liked it x3. smiledog(mainly the chainmail chasers one) and username666 is the main inspiration for the corruptions I was going for.

That doesn't look like toxic yaoi to me, that looks like some very sweet and very gay dragon-on-fox action. They look like they were made for each other :3

Niximix-art responds:

These two are NPCs in a DnD game I'll be playing soon!

Showed your comment to the DM/GM in question, They said: They are! They are made for each other! >:3c

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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