View Profile BlueMonday1984

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I genuinely don't know you managed to cook up something this good in only ten minutes.

The rotary dial, wheels and nose all being hexagonal does stand out to me given further inspection - part of me suspects you made all those parts by copy-pasting a simple hexagon and transforming it as necessary.

violxiv responds:

first off great username, I love new order (acc from manchester and saw them live in 2021)

and yea! So I love using hexagons in my work, and this is mainly just me pasting the same hexagan multiple times, distorting them a bit then insetting them etc, a lot of the shapes are very simple edits of primitives

The Red Impostor looked onwards at the setting sun, taking a moment to relax after all that had went down and bask in the glory of a job well done.

Nicely done, Rojo - quite liked how you did the clouds. They kinda look like cotton.

Rojo7500 responds:

i dont know how i did the clouds well they turned out so good

Absolutely adorable as usual, Tyhond.

I particularly loved the second image - seeing your wide artistic range really warmed my heart.

Tyhond responds:

Awww thank you so much! >^< I did 3 versions!

Cute Mew gijinka your friend's got. Also, that title's pretty clever - think that's a triple entendre you pulled off.

Excellent work as usual, Pop!

poplako responds:

Thank you!

Pretty solid art dump - the image of Caine does add some variety to this.

Not 100% sure how to fix the images being rotated 90 degrees, but there should be some tools online which can do the job for you.

Radicalsodarat responds:

Thanks bro

I love exploiting sexism for comedic effect

Solid '50s throwback - definitely a warts-and-all throwback, that's for sure.

xXMyloRolfeXx responds:

It’s a scene from the book I’m writing! I took a line from a sexist old ad and recontextualized it to make it a lot more wholesome. Of course, without the context, it still looks just as bad. Glad you like the picture!

The United Kingdom is a trashfire, and I had the misfortune of being boron in it.

ChazDude responds:

I, too, suffered the misfortune of being boron in the UK.

Considering how easily I burn in sunlight, I feel Toby here. Especially with the weather ping-ponging between "cloudy/trying to rain" and "the full power of the sun shines down upon thee" right now.

xXH0n3yW0lfXx responds:

Relatable, can't go out without some sort of sunburn. Lol

Whoever cut that guy's skull must've had surgical precision - it looks like his brain's still untouched.

Wh4cky responds:

Very much, dudes got some nice enemies

A simple, but cute picture, oozing with Y2K charm.

Happy birthday, Aldox!

AldoxPegaka responds:

Thank you so much !!!

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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