View Profile BlueMonday1984

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Very cute barbarian - looks like she could give me a bear hug and kick my ass at the same time.

ToddlerPuncher responds:

Thank you! She probably could!

A nicely drawn and somewhat literal trip outside your comfort zone - both these images feel oddly homely.

D3bs responds:

Thank you! I even need to practice my painting style more.

Well, this is pretty damn meta.
Epic Mickey would be a pretty natural fit, now that I think about it - the setting's effectively a junkyard of Disney's abandoned and forgotten shit.

Hypno-Scream responds:

Yeah, I hear Nomura even wanted to add Oswald to Kingdom Hearts 3, but sadly, Disney wouldn't let him.

This is the cutest thing I've seen all year - lookit the fruit's lil' expressions, you just wanna give them headpats!

Tyhond responds:

Give them all headpats! >^< Yey!

This is a *massive* step up from the original map - I would've never thought in a million years you could cram something so good into a GBC.

NickJam responds:

I'll admit, it's far from practical under typical circumstances. There's a reason I waited until the hack was well over 90% completion before implementing this: using up this much space to create a tileset and blockset for a map that appears one time in normal play is not a wise decision.

That being said, now that all the maps are designed and most events implemented, I knew I had the space to cram it in and decided to shoot for the moon!

It is, indeed, quite accurate. Quite like the foreboding atmosphere.

Quonit responds:

Both these scenes hit really hard in the game, so I did genuinely want to seriously draw them I just HAPPENED to get my opportunity in a rather silly comic XD

A very cute and tender piece. Pit and Dark Pit are so adorable together!

RottDemon responds:

Ikr?? Because i love the dynamic between sun and moon ><

Your papercraft Girlfriend complements the Boyfriend figurine so damn well!
Love the shading on her hair!

cupf1sh responds:

thank you!!! i plan on making more but ive been busy lel

That yellow pinprick of an "iris" makes Afton look fuckin' demonic.

As does the completely black mouth and eyes - makes him look less like a shambling corpse and more like a springlock suit given life.

Hypno-Scream responds:

Well, he was drawn as a Heartless here, and those things are borderline demonic. So I guess I did something right.

Welcome back, Boti!

Beautifully done cyborg - I can feel a sense of humanness to it, even on the inside.

botico responds:

thanks, appreciate it! thats part of the mood i wanted :)

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
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