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Took me a while to notice Dood had wires wrapping around him - they did a good job blending in, whether in the background or wrapped around the poor guy.

There's a strong feeling of helplessness in this piece - mainly a sense that Dood's being tortured by forces beyond anyone's control.

Dood's pained eyes strongly help with this, showing naught but agonising pain and all-consuming terror from what little control he retains over his body.

buttercupLM responds:

they are indeed wrapping around him :))

i like the way you observed and described this honestly, thank you :)

"why is my art getting lower scores than it used to?"
Vote scores can vary pretty wildly if there's only a few people voting - even a single voter voting a half-star higher/lower than normal can skew things.

Like Karl, I also don't understand a lick of Japanese, so I needed Google Translate to figure out what his shirt said. I gotta say, that man's concerned/embarrassed expression is well-warranted.

His neck also appears to have used your shading as a chance to go AWOL - personally gonna treat that as a nitpick, given the stark black-and-white makes the little splashes of yellow stand out.

buttercupLM responds:

that makes sense :^

in the animations he’s in, his neck is basically nonexistent, so i kind of went with that style

Jesus, Licorice is bright as hell in light mode. They look like they'll give me a hug and a sunburn at the same time.

Would still hug though because Licorice is cute, whether light or dark.

Tyhond responds:

Haha XD That seems true! Thank youuu!

Congrats on making the wall art, man!

Highly appreciate the tribute to Wiesi you hid in this!

Broly responds:

It was like, one of the "must dos" of this for me, he lives on in his work, and the work he inspired

Let's be blunt here, Gurren Lagann's basically a perfect crossover opportunity for Kingdom Hearts. Shit's about as over-the-top as you can fucking get.

Hypno-Scream responds:

Yeah, it's a perfect fit.

Pretty solidly spooky first attempt - the brushwork here makes Spider-Man look more like a monster than a man.

justthedani responds:


Quite like your unique take on this bit character - the eyeshadow and bloodied clipboard gives her plenty of character.

Teacookiesandpeace responds:

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it ( '◡' ) I wanted to do something that would differentiate it from the original design, taking into account the events of the game

Whatever he's taken, it must be seriously nasty shit.

Background looks like an incoherent mess of peering eyes and potential threats, whilst the guy himself looks like he's dying of something.

XxanimalcanibalxX responds:

That's one way of looking at it! But keep in mind that drags can alter the body in interesting ways so the blood your seeings may just be in his head

If anyone's looking for the mod which inspired this, I found it on GameBanana: https://gamebanana.com/mods/518436

As for the piece itself, its pretty damn stylish - its got a strong Y2K charm IMO.

Vinnyll responds:

that's the same mod i found the twitter video on it's so silly and i wanna play the original game but its 40$ (im so broke)

An adorable little fluffball doing an adorable little dance, and a great way to introduce yourself to the Art Portal.

VaroGhedash responds:

Nice to see this community is so nice! thanks for your feedback

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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